Registered: 2nd Sep 08
Location: Northants Drives: V40
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Come on lads, This region is becoming awful, we need to get a meet sorted put some faces to names etc
Anyone up for this or is it just going to fall flat on its arse?
[Edited on 15-03-2011 by chrisritch]
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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First Sunday in April.
Decide a location and stick to it.
Make a list.
Your people are here -
Registered: 3rd Feb 07
Location: Kidderminster Drives: Evo (you can't afford one)
User status: Offline
My lot are getting equally as bad Ian.
Had to cancel a meet today due to frauds dropping out
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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Comes and goes, weather won't be helping.
WM/EM combined thing might work well as well if you're both short.
Registered: 2nd Sep 08
Location: Northants Drives: V40
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Ian
Comes and goes, weather won't be helping.
WM/EM combined thing might work well as well if you're both short.
I agree with this, have a RO from both who can both liase to promote bigger meets of the two regions
Registered: 2nd Sep 08
Location: Northants Drives: V40
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by thegsi
My lot are getting equally as bad Ian.
Had to cancel a meet today due to frauds dropping out
My car was broken
Danny W
Organiser: East Midlands Premium Member
Registered: 14th Nov 05
Location: Northamptonshire
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Heya lads, i will always be interested in more monthly meets in the near future, i am currently without a car but hope to have the new one on the road in the next couple of months.
completely agree though, i know i havent attended many meets recently but have met Jay and the WM region, Wales meet amoungst others and had a cracking time. Would be a shame to see people give up and loose heart in it after the hard work of organising previous days out etc.
1st of april is a good shout, it'll give me something to work towards
Smoke Grey 5 Door
EastMids Regional Events
Registered: 2nd Sep 08
Location: Northants Drives: V40
User status: Offline
1st april is a perfect date tbh, If we meet about 12 and go for a pub lunch or something?
Edges 58
Registered: 30th Mar 10
Location: Nottingham
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Sunday 3rd April is the first MFN night of the year. Can people make it to this?
Registered: 3rd Feb 07
Location: Kidderminster Drives: Evo (you can't afford one)
User status: Offline
Yeh I have organised a few joint EM/WM meets before. I do recall the first one 3 out of the 12 names from EM showed up and the 2nd one it was only Danny who showed up. I even arranged it in Cov. which isn't even in the West Midlands
Danny W
Organiser: East Midlands Premium Member
Registered: 14th Nov 05
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Edges 58
Sunday 3rd April is the first MFN night of the year. Can people make it to this?
sundays and nights are a no go for me im affraid due to work very early the next day
Smoke Grey 5 Door
EastMids Regional Events
Edges 58
Registered: 30th Mar 10
Location: Nottingham
User status: Offline
I see your problem coming from northants.. Is anyone in the midlands goin to the fast show at Santa pod on march 27th?
Registered: 2nd Sep 08
Location: Northants Drives: V40
User status: Offline
So so far its 3 people who are up for this.
Great fucking effort
Registered: 18th Jun 10
Location: West Yorkshire
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Hey all, dont really know any1 from here apart from Edges 58 as im from the yorkshire area but im willing to attend within reasonable distances 
i stay a week at a time in nottingham often though
The joint corsa sport and mig meet from december :
was ace and really good turnout and i really enjoyed it 
so as said im up for it, so chrisritch make it 4 people 
[Edited on 11-03-2011 by AshWatson]
Registered: 2nd Sep 08
Location: Northants Drives: V40
User status: Offline
First post edited. Anyone?
Edges 58
Registered: 30th Mar 10
Location: Nottingham
User status: Offline
im game so make it 5... just let us know when and can check if available
Ash is right, December meet was ace! couldve used more corsas there