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Author The australian sex menu...

Registered: 12th Jun 01
Location: Leicestershire Drives:Astra VXR
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7th Apr 03 at 18:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I had to laugh when i read this story from this lad that went to Australia.

The Australian approach to sex has far more in common with Europe than it does with the States. One of the first things I did on arriving in Sydney, on a horny lark - and this is just between friends - was to open the Yellow Pages: "The Salon Kitty Club" or something like that. Anyway, standing at a payphone I made the call: "I'm interested in getting a submissive. Can you tell me what it involves?" "Just a moment, sir." Then to the phone comes "Sylvie", apparently one of the prospective submissives. "Good afternoon, sir," she says, in the crisp tones of the English middle class, "What did you have in mind?" "Something of medium intensity and about an hour long." "The cane?" she wants to know. "I'm sorry?" "Will you be taking up the cane, sir?" Geez. "Possibly." "And oral?" she asks. "I'm sorry?" "Will there be oral sex?" "Possibly." "Oral on you?" "Yes." "Oral on you," she says, as though making a list, "And sex?" "Excuse me?" "Will there be sex?" Well how should I know? "Uh. . . possibly," I answer. Where have I landed? "Just a moment, sir." She puts me on hold to do some quick calculating, and I wonder if they have some sort of card there listing various acts and levels of intensity and corresponding costs, or maybe a computer program. Probably that. Sylvie comes back to the phone. "That'll be $600. $660 with GST [Goods and Services Tax]." I ask, "How far ahead do I need to call?" "Oh, an hour should be fine. Maybe two hours if you have a particular girl in mind. Whatever's convenient for you, really, sir." Let me see if I've got this straight. I can cane stripes onto a willing girl's bum, tie her up, orally sodomize and then fcuk her. . . and order it all ahead of time by phone? Can I get a burger and fries with that?

What kind of place is Australia?

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