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Author KizzcorsaB

Registered: 21st Feb 09
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14th May 11 at 11:29   View User's Profile U2U Member

Just watch this one lads, he'll contact you and try to buy something, come round to have a look at it, buy it under no obligation then bitch about it when he's safely home.

Here's the story

I've decided to break my Corsa Turbo, Kizz approached me and asked to buy my bonnet and tailgate. The bonnet is a freshly painted one, and the boot is smoothed, de-locked, de-wipered and has a remote solenoid fitted. This wasn't painted recently.

So, he comes up with his missus in his Corsa to have a look last night after dark last night. Pulls up in his Corsa and pisses oil all over the drive, oh well, and out steps this scrawny kid about 19, pink polo t-shirt and popped collar Anyway he has a look at the bonnet/tailgate under the garage floodlight and takes them.

After fitting the bonnet to his car (won't fit in his boot), we put the tailgate in his boot, I even leave the gsi spoiler attached to it (not included in the deal and worth £60 all day long). He's then moaning that it might get damaged on his way home because he didn't have the foresight to bring a van or large car (a caged Corsa is ideal for transporting painted panels ) so I take it out and bubble wrap the fucker to keep him happy, and give him a ratchet strap to stop it rolling around. He'd already knocked me down a tenner on price, and at that point he'd had the spoiler for free, bubble wrap and strap and dropped oil on my drive from his bodged engine conversion.

Anyway, all is good until a text this morning saying he's not happy, the paintwork isn't perfect, the tailgate has a tiny spot of rust and he wants some money back etc... so here is my reply

Right, bonnet first...

It's exactly what I said it was, a bonnet that's been profesionally painted arden blue that has done zero miles since painting so has no stonechips (OK I drove the car for an MOT but that wasn't far at all).

It was done in a spraybooth and baked in an oven by FP Autos in Nottingham who have an excellent reputation among various MIGweb and PNG users. I don't think it was "shit" at all, it's the right colour, it's shiny, free of dents and rust... thats all that matters.

The boot is a smoothed boot, I have no idea when it was painted, possibly many years ago so it's obviously not fresh or new. I didn't say it was new or freshly painted. If it was I'd be asking a lot more than you paid. When you came over you were free to look over them and satisfy yourself of their condition, which you did.

You didn't have to take either of them, nobody forced you to do anything. You were free to walk away at any point, I didn't have a deposit from you or anything, as far as I'm concerned you came up, had a look at the parts and decided to buy them, end of story.

Sorry but you can't do that, and then send arsey text messages saying they are "shit" and asking for money back the next day. To be honest you come across as a bit.... how can I put this nicely... fussy about an old car. If thats the case then I suggest in future you either buy a brand new Vauxhall and only modify it with brand new parts. If you can't afford this then you need to be more realistic about parts not being perfect. You can't have champagne dreams on a lemonade budget as Limecat once said.

I never said they were perfect and you didn't have to buy them.

End of story.

If you want to go all keyboard warrior on the forums then feel free, so will I, but you'll come off much worse than I will.



PS - Your missus wants her back door smashing in, I'm properly up for that if you want to watch

As far as I'm concerned thats the end of the matter.

To which I get a reply saying

[quote=Kizz]You are the biggest fucking tool in the box mate. I said to you last night the bonnet was shit and the boot was shit

This is hilarious for two reasons

1) He was so quiet in person, he didn't even speak properly... more a sort of mumble. Just what you'd expect from a scrawny metrosexual in a pink polo shirt, yet once he's a safe distance away he's calling me names via text message. Keyboard warrior much

2) He didn't say anything about the boot or bonnet last night. He inspected them and chose to buy them of his own free will. He had no deposit on them and no obligation to buy.

And he then added

[quote=Bitch boy]And anything about my missus I swear you best watch what you're saying

To which I replied

[quote=Me]Your missus will one day dump you because you act like a bitch. She needs a bloke who can fuck her like a man, not some little boy like you. As long as she kept her mouth shut I'd ruin it. I'd knock you out in one punch if you had the balls to say anything to my face instead of through a phone or computer

He's such a tough guy.

Just be careful dealing with him!

Registered: 21st Feb 09
Location: Nottinghamshire
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14th May 11 at 11:30   View User's Profile U2U Member

ugh I messed up the quote bracket things and it won't let me edit! Can a mod sort that? thanks
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Registered: 12th Sep 08
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14th May 11 at 11:41   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member

Right this is what I sent this morning

Mate I'm not happy with these bits at all. The bonnet looks like it was rubbed down with 70 grit then painted shit in areas and then not laqered properly. Colour match is not great. The boot has a dent the rust is worse than when I see it the first time the fillering looks like noddys done it. And some one has taped 2 screws through the number plates and then made the boot rust even more. I was told these were flawlessly mint, and quite clearly then not. I have payed a stupid amount of money for these and there not even worth that. I don't care if the bonnet is new, it looks dragged through a hedge. It's just very frustrating as I thought you were a sound guy over cs. So I would like some of the money back tbh cos the bits are shit

What he sent by u2u

Right, bonnet first...

It's exactly what I said it was, a bonnet that's been profesionally painted arden blue that has done zero miles since painting so has no stonechips (OK I drove the car for an MOT but that wasn't far at all).

It was done in a spraybooth and baked in an oven by FP Autos in Nottingham who have an excellent reputation among various MIGweb and PNG users. I don't think it was "shit" at all, it's the right colour, it's shiny, free of dents and rust... thats all that matters.

The boot is a smoothed boot, I have no idea when it was painted, possibly many years ago so it's obviously not fresh or new. I didn't say it was new or freshly painted. If it was I'd be asking a lot more than you paid. When you came over you were free to look over them and satisfy yourself of their condition, which you did.

You didn't have to take either of them, nobody forced you to do anything. You were free to walk away at any point, I didn't have a deposit from you or anything, as far as I'm concerned you came up, had a look at the parts and decided to buy them, end of story.

Sorry but you can't do that, and then send arsey text messages saying they are "shit" and asking for money back the next day. To be honest you come across as a bit.... how can I put this nicely... fussy about an old car. If thats the case then I suggest in future you either buy a brand new Vauxhall and only modify it with brand new parts. If you can't afford this then you need to be more realistic about parts not being perfect. You can't have champagne dreams on a lemonade budget as Limecat once said.

I never said they were perfect and you didn't have to buy them.

End of story.

If you want to go all keyboard warrior on the forums then feel free, so will I, but you'll come off much worse than I will.



PS - Your missus wants her back door smashing in, I'm properly up for that if you want to watch.

What I sent

You are the biggest fucking tool in the box mate, I said to you last night the bonnet was shit and the boot was shit and this is what you text me on the way up. Welded. Its mint. Where are u coming from? The bonnet has been painted over stone chips and is fucking awful. The boot has not been wealded it's been filled that's it. I'm not being a fucking keyboard worrier one bit I'm just getting my fucking point across you said the parts were mint I came up in the dark as I got there late because you took forever to give me your address so I couldn't get a full going over of the bits. An so fucking what if it's a 10 year old car? That makes no differnce at all. You just turn a blind eye at the stuff that's fucked on yours then sell the for a high price. And the thing about my misses I swear you better watch what your saying!

What he sent

Shut up bitch. Don't say anything now you didnt say in person. Pink shirt wearing poof, LMFAO

What I said

WTF your now getting defensive because you know I'm right! Your a middle aged bloke by the looks of things acting like a 13 year old chav because your know I'm in the right

What he said

Your missus will one day dump you because you act like a bitch. She needs a bloke who can fuck her like a man, not some little boy like you. As long as she kept her mouth shut id ruin it. I'd knock you out in one punch if you had the balls to say anything to my face instead of through a phone or computer.

What I sent

Would you now? Well you don't know me very well then do you. Not going to go into what i do because I haven't got to prove to you I know I can stick up for my self. Didn't say anything last night because i couldn't see it that good and it didn't look to bad. But I felt you didn't want to be there and was in a rush the whole time so I felt like I had to rush and just take the bits and be gone. So at night last night I wasn't going to say anything because it didn't look as bad at NIGHT until I see it in the day. Just being a arrogant "6ft 1" idiot

I was told these bits were flawlessly mint without a mark on them. I turned up at his at night as he took forever giving me his address. And he said I need to come tonight to get the bits. I was ready to leave at 3 he text me at 6.03 with his address 3 and a bit hour drive later get the at night. So couldn't view the bits properly in proper light. Before I left I asked could we swap the bits over at yours. Which he replyed "I'm up for that" so I went in my "Corsa" as I thought the bits were mint and was going to fit them up there. I then got them home and they were awful in the morning in proper light. He is claiming that the bonnet was sprayed by a pro. And I could have done better with a brush. I'm not stuck with this bonnet as he has mine so I will need to get this painted. And taking the piss out of what I look like is very childish. And I'm not a skinny little 19 year old kid like you said! This seller is a bell

Registered: 21st Feb 09
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14th May 11 at 12:07   View User's Profile U2U Member

I just think it's hilarious that you're calling me names over the internet when you wouldn't even look me in the eye in person.

PS - Pics of your missus up here, so people know what we're on about.

Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
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14th May 11 at 12:21   View User's Profile U2U Member

So whats actually up with the bonnet??Poor paint match??
Surely it would show up more in the dark??

P.S,You wouldn't have got 60quid for the Gsi spoiler on its own.

Registered: 21st Feb 09
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14th May 11 at 12:23   View User's Profile U2U Member

Originally posted by Corsa_Sport21P.S,You wouldn't have got 60quid for the Gsi spoiler on its own.

Thats what my last two ones have sold for

Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
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14th May 11 at 12:44   View User's Profile U2U Member

You must have got really lucky.

They struggle to sell for 20quid on here an ebay.

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14th May 11 at 12:47   View User's Profile U2U Member

Originally posted by Corsa_Sport21
You must have got really lucky.

They struggle to sell for 20quid on here an ebay.

I think an Arden blue one will do well though, as it's a popular Corsa colour but obviously no factory gsi bits in that colour

I know I ask a lot for parts but im happy to wait.

Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
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14th May 11 at 12:52   View User's Profile U2U Member

You've lost me now.

Are Corsa Sport spoilers not the same as Gsi spoilers??

Registered: 21st Feb 09
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14th May 11 at 12:54   View User's Profile U2U Member

Originally posted by Corsa_Sport21
You've lost me now.

Are Corsa Sport spoilers not the same as Gsi spoilers??

I don't know I've never had a sport, only GSi's

Either way he got a free spoiler, which knowing what I know now I would have removed and sold elsewhere.

Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
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14th May 11 at 13:04   View User's Profile U2U Member

You're breaking a Sport.

Or don't tell me you bought it as an X reg Gsi.

But aye,back on topic.Never buy things in the

Registered: 11th Dec 07
Location: Westleigh, Greater Manchester
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14th May 11 at 13:14   View User's Profile U2U Member

to be fair party van you are in the wrong by saying that it had been welded when it had been fillered! and when he sends a simple message saying about these you go straight on the defensive and ripping into his girlfriend?? thats quite sad mate trying to wind him up so he comes to you or summat!!

and £60 for a spoiler??? fuck me is it dipped in bloody GOLD???

and just for the record a gsi spolier is the same as a sport one so it does come in arden blue!

just think u need get a grip really
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14th May 11 at 13:38   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member



Mint bonnet and boot? Don't think so some how!

Your just acting like a little kid, bringing in my misses that has nothing to do with it at all. It's between the bits and me and you. If you wasn't 3 hours away I would come and has some very sturn words with you! Get a grip and know your in the wrong and that your must be part sighted to not see these were not mint. I traveled 3 fucking hours for what I thought were going to be mint. I turned up see they were abit shitty, but didn't want to go 400 miles and have nothing in return. Then in the light they would look good on a rat car! Oh and the proof it's filler


Registered: 6th Oct 07
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14th May 11 at 13:57   View User's Profile U2U Member

What bodyshop was that done at?

Im not one to care atall about cleaning or nice looking paintwork but that looks like its been coloured with a crayon

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14th May 11 at 13:59   View User's Profile U2U Member

Some more pics just loaded... did stevie wonder smooth that boot?

Registered: 21st Feb 09
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14th May 11 at 14:12   View User's Profile U2U Member

Yeah the filler looks gash.... from the INSIDE of the boot which is covered by a trim panel and never seen I never saw it for that exact reason, same as the bit behind the numberplate because guess what... it's behind a numberplate.

Just like nobody will see the way you pluck and sculpt your eyebrows carefully unless they are 5cm away from you.

I'd be MUCH more worried about the oil you left behind, maybe you should be worrying about manly things like sump gaskets instead of trying to make a 10 year old Corsa look like it's brand new.

Come and defend yourself somewhere where there aren't any rules for what can be posted.
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14th May 11 at 14:17   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member

4 things didn't have my hair spiked and also didn't have a popped coller, don't have facebook and i'l see you a pvs!
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14th May 11 at 14:18   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member

Filler is shit on the outside also camara won't bring them up tho. And as for oil leak shut the fuck up!

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14th May 11 at 14:22   View User's Profile U2U Member

Originally posted by redtom
What bodyshop was that done at?

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14th May 11 at 14:32   View User's Profile U2U Member

Originally posted by kizzacorsab
Filler is shit on the outside also camara won't bring them up tho.

So when I had the boot half-open, under a 400w floodlight, and we both looked at it did you not raise an objection? Why buy it? Because you're an indecisive muppet that's why. You couldn't even decide which way round in your car you wanted the tailgate, you just mumbled like a downs syndrome kit.

Seriously I don't know what you've been sniffing, but you really need to get some wits about you. You come across as very slow.

[quote=Kizz]And as for oil leak shut the fuck up!

Hope that clarifies things.

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14th May 11 at 14:32   View User's Profile U2U Member

Redtom - see 3rd post in this thread.
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14th May 11 at 14:46   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member

If you had cleaned it atleast instead of wipe your grubby hands on it and put massive swirl marks in it then I could have viewed it better, but you was in so much of a rush to be somewhere I fell pushed to just get on with it. An putting it in the boot I didn't want it sliding round smashing things, or my car! And fucker that had common sense would even question what way is the beat way round! Also I said to you the boot looks very used and not mint to which you replyed it's a 10 year old tailgate? What the fuck? I asked if you would knock anything off at all to which you replyed " iv knocked £10 off already" WOW £10 is that enough to feed your ears with a call girl on the other side of the phone?

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14th May 11 at 14:53   View User's Profile U2U Member

Originally posted by kizzacorsab
If you had cleaned it atleast instead of wipe your grubby hands on it and put massive swirl marks in it then I could have viewed it better, but you was in so much of a rush to be somewhere I fell pushed to just get on with it.

Oh I'm sorry I had grubby hands, you see I don't use gloves to do mechanical work like you do petal, and I don't have Dove hand sanitiser in my door card like you either

[quote=Kizz]An putting it in the boot I didn't want it sliding round smashing things, or my car! And fucker that had common sense would even question what way is the beat way round!

Why did you bring a Corsa with a rollcage then, to transport a painted panel? Are you fucking thick?

You really are a daft sod.

[quote=Kizz]Also I said to you the boot looks very used and not mint to which you replyed it's a 10 year old tailgate? What the fuck?

That is almost corret, the car was registered new on 13/09/2000 if we're being precise. Probably about as old as you then

[quote=Kizz]I asked if you would knock anything off at all to which you replyed " iv knocked £10 off already" WOW £10 is that enough to feed your ears with a call girl on the other side of the phone?

No I'm not knocking anything off. Why should I? You think just because you need a few quid for the tanning booth or your new dapper man-bag that I should have any less money to spend on coal, greyhounds and other "Northern" paraphenalia? Get to fuck

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14th May 11 at 14:54   View User's Profile U2U Member

partyvan u need man the fuck up and pay the man some money back!!!!

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14th May 11 at 15:00   View User's Profile U2U Member

Originally posted by stu_c
partyvan u need man the fuck up and pay the man some money back!!!!

Oh believe me I'm man enough, this one time I farted so loud in the shower, my neighbour almost 50ft away complained to the police and I got a visit It was mint, she moaned about it like fuck the next day then apologised and said it was her menopause doing the talking. I probably should have fucked her to be honest but she has that thing where old people's skin goes bright red. I didn't really fancy it TBH, but that is the only time where I've not been 100% manly.

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