Registered: 2nd Nov 07
Location: Melksham, Wiltshire
User status: Offline
Hi there, just after a bit of advice for my mate who owns a vectra b.
Its a 1.8 sri model and at the moment isnt going to well.
- The EML is on permanantly
-when the car is cold (first thing in the morning) it seems to drive fine.
_ when the car warms up it seems to run dodgy and limits at 4krpm.
- he's changed the camshaft sensor and crankshaft sensor but hasnt made a difference (with new ones from vauxhall)
Hes got a new thermosat sensor and oil pressure sensor to go in at the weekend. He also says that it cuts out and when it get's warm /it also hesitates starting a little.
anyone have any ideas?
Premium Member
Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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Coolant Temp Sensor?
Registered: 29th Dec 09
Location: Felling, Tyne and Wear
User status: Offline
maf sensor ???
Registered: 7th Feb 08
Location: Plymouth
User status: Offline
I agree with pow
Although crank sensors on these are really common and put the car into limp mode(4.5k limit)
Registered: 19th Oct 06
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
User status: Offline
Paperclip test works on these.