Registered: 23rd Sep 02
Location: Plymouth Drives: Carzone Corsa
User status: Offline
From personal oppinion what spring lowers the car more?
Ive currently got gmax -40mm springs all round, the rear sits where i want it to, but the front sits too high, because the 1.0 engine doesnt weigh bugger all, so want to drop the front some more.
Ive ordered a spax -50mm spring kit as thats the lowest they list without buying shocks as well, so what i want to know is does spax lower the car more then gmax...or will my -50mm spax springs look the same as the ones on the car, as different kits offer different heights, despite what they claim...
pics would also be good please of a car with a 50mm spax front drop (or 40 if it looks low)
philly willy
Registered: 13th Jun 02
User status: Offline
U wiont notice any thing at first but after they have beded in u should B able to tell that the front is lower than the back!!!
Hope this helps
o i hav a question for ya coz ya hgot a 1 lite just like moi!
Hav u taken out ya centre silencer?
Not the cat at the front!,If ao has it made any improvemnt?
Cheers phil
Registered: 5th Jun 00
Location: Common Sense HQ
User status: Offline
why dont you just shorten the front springs??
all you do is get spring compressors and compress them a little (10mm) then get thick cable ties to hold them in the compressed state.
the fella i bought my springs of when i had my corsa had done this
Registered: 11th Oct 01
User status: Offline
Thats ok until one side breaks and your left with a car leaning to one side and handling like shit. Wouldn't trust that if driving hard.
philly willy
Registered: 13th Jun 02
User status: Offline
no afence but that sounds like a fucking dodge idea to me especially if ya starting to bern in and out of country bends!!!!!!!