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Author What Do You Think Of Your SPAX RSX Coilovers?
Tomm R

Registered: 19th Dec 06
Location: Bredhurst, Kent
User status: Offline
24th Jul 11 at 12:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Hey guys.

I have searched this but all of the results seem to be people selling their coilovers and i didn't seem to find anything which was what i was after. Google searches just seemed to turn up dealers selling these coilovers and of course they are only going to praise them.

I have a potential project in the pipe line and the first thing i have always done is give it some lows. I have never dealt with lowering springs and have always gone with coilovers. I have never bought coilovers for anything other than jap and with that being what i know best i know what is good and what is not, unfortunately i can not find any TEINS for a Corsa so i am after some advice.

There seems to be a lot of coilovers out there for the Corsa but due to not really knowing the brands i am unsure what is worth the money and what is not.

I have stayed away from things on Ebay, I have seem some AK? Coilovers but these i have never heard anything about.

I have however found some SPAX RSX coilovers which look as though they may be some good.

Is anyone on here using these coilovers?

If so how would you rate them?

Would you recommend them?

Are there any faults with them?

Is there anything you are unhappy with?

If you could go back to when you bought them would you buy anything else?

How do they handle?

As i say i have no experience with Vauxhall coilovers so i don't know what is good and what is not. The only thing i think is putting me off of them is they don't seem to have that much adjustability in the ride height.

However if they are a really really good set of coilovers i guess i could compromise on not having super lows.

Any recommendations, suggestions and the like would be greatly appreciated!

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