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Registered: 22nd Apr 02
Location: Gorleston on Sea, Norfolk
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Had a snap on guy come round since I started years ago. About a year ago another bloke took over.
A few months back he gave it up. When leaving he said he or another would be round to collect monies owed as usual.
Haven't seen it heard from him since. Today I got a debt recovery letter askIng for full payment in 5 days or interest and fees will be added.
I know I owe the money, but our agreement is 10 a week when he comes round. He has made no contact regarding payment now he has finished, but has passed my details on to these people. I'm conceded I'll get black marks on credit history etc.
There's 3 or 4 here got the same letter. I'm now excpected to pay 100 quid by 21st.
Where do I stand? Everyone is seriously pissed off. Had he contacted himself we would have over paid a few times and cleared it in a few weeks.
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Registered: 19th Nov 08
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Sounds like a cunt.
I have nothing useful to say though
Registered: 8th Nov 04
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100 quid? just pay it?
Registered: 13th Feb 05
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Write to them, acknowledging the debt and confirming the current payment plan - ie snap on records show you paid £10 off the debt per week. If they cannot produce this, I would be arguing how they can produce a debt figure. I would offer to repay them at the rate of £40-50 per month - they will think thats not bad, when in relaity its what you are paying now. If they refuse, ask for written proof of the debt, and agree to pay it once you receive a copy of it. That way you are accepting the debt, and agreeing to pay, but stalling for time to get the cash together.
Registered: 15th Oct 04
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say your skint offer £2 a week or take you to court. They will take the £2
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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Wanna borrow it til payday?
Registered: 7th Oct 09
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dont pay it, keep ignoring the letters they send from different collectors as they sell on the debt, then eventually they will send you a letter saying pay 50 quid now and the debt will be cleared
Registered: 19th Apr 03
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Is it only 100 you owe? Personally I'd just pay it to save the hassle . If you owe them alot more and simply can't afford then your well within your rights to tell them to fuck off. I wouldn't do what people are saying and pay £2 a week if it's just £100
Registered: 11th Nov 02
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You could take 100 from family members in order to pay it....
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Registered: 22nd Apr 02
Location: Gorleston on Sea, Norfolk
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I need to buy a 10k car so can't afford it.
100 isn't Alot. It's the principal. The guy is an old work mate in a way. We helped his garage out Alot when he was a Forman. To just give our details out to a debt agency with no trying to get it is very cuntosh IMO.
He will need favours again soon. He will get some advice alright!!
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Registered: 9th Aug 05
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No snap on dealers use credit agreements unless your buying a box or something equally expensive.
No checks are carried out etc
Tell them to shove off and get in touch with snap on to find your nearest rep, they all share the same software and clients.
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Registered: 22nd Apr 02
Location: Gorleston on Sea, Norfolk
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We have a new dealer now. But the debt is with the previous guy. The new guy hasn't taken his debts on, as he is usually covering a different area. He is just coming for repairs or full purchase only.
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Registered: 9th Aug 05
Location: Dingwall, Highland
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He should have access to what you owe via the software they use.
And as I've said it's not a credit account, just a verbal agreement so fuck it off.
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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Kill him. Problem solved
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Registered: 22nd Apr 02
Location: Gorleston on Sea, Norfolk
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It is a written agreement. It states on my invoice, your agreed weekly payment is £10 on collection.
I want to check what i owe is correct via snap on first. Then ill consider what to do. Will i get any marks on my credit history yet?
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Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Offer them the same terms, or tell them you will see them in court.
Registered: 9th Aug 05
Location: Dingwall, Highland
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quote: Originally posted by Dan
It is a written agreement. It states on my invoice, your agreed weekly payment is £10 on collection.
I want to check what i owe is correct via snap on first. Then ill consider what to do. Will i get any marks on my credit history yet?
No as it's not a proper credit agreement.
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Registered: 22nd Apr 02
Location: Gorleston on Sea, Norfolk
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I signed an RA account terms paperwork thing the other month when he first started.
I think I will call them and say I will continue paying £10 per week as per the terms of my agreement. He can come and collect it
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Registered: 22nd Apr 02
Location: Gorleston on Sea, Norfolk
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Written to these fuckers via email...
Dear CCI Legal.
I am confused why you have been sent to collect this money from myself. As far as i am aware, Mr Cattee is supposed to be coming round to collect outstanding money weekly (his words before giving his snap on dealership up). I have had no verbal or written requests for payment since he was last round to collect this money, therefore i am not defaulting on my account.
I accept that the money is owed, however, i would like to see proof of the outstanding account please.
As per the terms of my RA agreement with Mr cattee, he is to collect my payment from my workplace, at £10 per week.
I have no problem continuing to pay £10 per week, if it is collected by Mr cattee from my workplace.
If he no longer wishes to collect payment like this (as per the agreement), i will pay via yourselves over a period of 6 months. As he does not wish to collect the payment, i will deduct a 5% fee from the balance, for my time sending the payment. Any fees added to payment like this will be deducted from my outstanding balance, due to him breaking his terms of the agreement.
Best Regards
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Registered: 7th Feb 08
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Like a boss 
Registered: 17th Dec 08
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quote: Originally posted by fazza
Like a boss 
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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only 5%, you're cheap
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quote: Originally posted by Edd
100 quid? just pay it?
yeah just pay it and dont bother with snap on again..
Registered: 12th Jan 10
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Its not snap on though is it, its just the one guy.
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Registered: 22nd Apr 02
Location: Gorleston on Sea, Norfolk
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Cheap maybe Russ. But I owe the money. I've no problem with that. It's the way he has gone about it.
Like edd says it's not snap on. It's this one guy.
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