Registered: 24th Aug 02
Location: Rob Cheshire
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My GF has a trust issue from her previous bloke, he lied loads to her treated her like shite basically. Anyway she doesnt really trust anyone, includin me at the best of times. My ex keeps givin her evils in the pub so I had a good go at her tonight about that told her sod off neva wana talk2u again! Now my ex- split back in September is ruinin my life and my relationship with my GF that i been seein since xmas. She thinks I got too much past that effects everythin and that my mates dont like her which is not true at all.
Women see something from their point of view and men have another view, neva the same though!
What can i do, had big talk 2nite and will be tomorrow, thurs nite too see what she says. She says she wants be wiv me but then she scared and doesnt want B wiv anyone. Any ideas what I can do? Top the ex came to mind but.......
Registered: 17th Jul 01
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just bum her lad
Registered: 19th Jun 01
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your answer to anything
Registered: 12th Jan 01
Location: Stanway, Essex
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and thats the 15th response this week of the same constant quality form u munchie! exact words too
Registered: 17th Jul 01
Location: I swap goats for mobile phones
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15th? fookin ell!!! seriously tho fella....dont get a bird.just b a slag lol
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sxi boy
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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women r currently fukin my head up @ the mo aswell
i made the mistake of thinkin i cud manage 2 on the go at once 
now 1's just proper fukin me head up
Registered: 12th Jan 01
Location: Stanway, Essex
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i went through that phase years ago and it was shite i was always looking for new pussy and the 1 time i stopped cos i had enuff i met my fiance and i knew from the start, if its too much hassle at the start dont bother cos it just gets worse find a girl where it all goes well (within reason) and u will know u found the right one m8!
Donna Corsa GSi
Registered: 1st Jan 70
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Well why don't you keep out of ur ex's way if it means that much to her.
Registered: 5th Oct 01
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ex's are pains though dont ya think!
Registered: 15th May 02
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depends on why they are ur ex. if the breakup was nasty, then yeah they are pains, but if it was ammicable, then its not so bad
Registered: 1st Aug 02
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quote: Originally posted by sxi boy
women r currently fukin my head up @ the mo aswell
i made the mistake of thinkin i cud manage 2 on the go at once 
now 1's just proper fukin me head up
Pmsl !
Half Pint
Registered: 25th Mar 02
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I just stopped going to the same places as my Ex, then I saw her at a party (on Sat) and she would not stop looking at me (she was with her new bloke), I stayed for a couple of drinks and went off clubing.
Registered: 24th Aug 02
Location: Rob Cheshire
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I stay out of my ex's way as much as I can its very rare she in the pub where I live. She was with some right podgy bloke anyway, what a sight! Have see how it goes....
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
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quote: Originally posted by jm960326
My GF has a trust issue from her previous bloke, he lied loads to her treated her like shite basically. Anyway she doesnt really trust anyone, includin me at the best of times. My ex keeps givin her evils in the pub so I had a good go at her tonight about that told her sod off neva wana talk2u again! Now my ex- split back in September is ruinin my life and my relationship with my GF that i been seein since xmas. She thinks I got too much past that effects everythin and that my mates dont like her which is not true at all.
Women see something from their point of view and men have another view, neva the same though!
What can i do, had big talk 2nite and will be tomorrow, thurs nite too see what she says. She says she wants be wiv me but then she scared and doesnt want B wiv anyone. Any ideas what I can do? Top the ex came to mind but.......
My problem is almost identical to yours matey. Last night we NEARLY split up because she dont trust me, even though i have given her no reason NOT to trust me. Its just i cheated once in my past and she knows that. Saw my ex dow the pub on monday and my girlf felt really awkward that i said hello. What was i supposed to do??? Pretend i didnt know her? Its really affecting us now and pissing me off no end.
Registered: 24th Aug 02
Location: Rob Cheshire
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cybermon... thats just it, spot on exactly the same! Thing is to try stop her feelin that way bout my ex, I told my ex I wanted nothing to do wiv her and that I dont want to talk to her at all. Even doin that she still doesnt change her mind. She doesnt trust me cause of her ex, Im well pissed off now wiv it but the girl is worth it and worth tryin. I tell her that you gota look at it like, sod all the other things and peoples views etc, you do stuff for yourself and if you think its worth it blar de blar de blar then we shouldnt let it effect us. Pissed off like you say.
Donna Corsa GSi
Registered: 1st Jan 70
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I know exactly how she feels! Although if shes got no reason not to trust you then she shouldn't be giving you such a hard time. But whats more important saying hi to ur ex and upsetting ur girlfriend or ignoring ur ex and keeping ur girlfriend happy. Down to priorities really and what u want.
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Sydney, Australia
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I wish there was an easier 'half-way' point where everyone is happy, other than walking another 10mins to the next pub! Oh well, its a bit of a sticky situation at the moment, but i love her and determined not to let her go. You gotta do the same jm, since there is no point breaking up over nothing, since there is nothing going on. Just dont let the little things that annoy get on top of you, or this will end up splitting you up. Good luck 
Registered: 24th Aug 02
Location: Rob Cheshire
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Exactly what I said donna, I do ignor my ex, its just my ex doesnt ignor me comes up to me to talk and Im just trying to get away. Also my ex gives my girlfriend the worst looks ever when she sees her in the pub, gf hates this doesn't think its fair and it isnt so I had say summit to my ex.
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Sydney, Australia
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only one thing to do there, find another pub!!
Donna Corsa GSi
Registered: 1st Jan 70
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well tell ur ex to fuck off then if shes gonna treat ur new girlfriend like that. U don't have to talk to her if u don't want to. If shes being a bitch then uve got a good excuse to tell her to leave u alone
Registered: 24th Aug 02
Location: Rob Cheshire
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Thats what I did last nite, told her that I didnt wana talk to her again. She was like if your gf cant get over the fact u talk to me she aint worth it. I said U what?? No sod off, I'll just not talk to u and wont again. She not really in that pub much, she hasnt really got any mates round where I live, think she does it just cause she knows I'll be in there. Im not givin up or letin my ex ruin my life yet again, my girlfriend is one I'd like to keep at all costs!
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Sydney, Australia
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good for you.
Donna Corsa GSi
Registered: 1st Jan 70
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quote: Originally posted by jm960326
Thats what I did last nite, told her that I didnt wana talk to her again. She was like if your gf cant get over the fact u talk to me she aint worth it. I said U what?? No sod off, I'll just not talk to u and wont again. She not really in that pub much, she hasnt really got any mates round where I live, think she does it just cause she knows I'll be in there. Im not givin up or letin my ex ruin my life yet again, my girlfriend is one I'd like to keep at all costs!
Sounds familiar don't let her play games! just block her out of ur life if shes being a bitch, shes the one thats not worth it!!
[Edited on 17-04-2003 by Donna Corsa GSi]
Registered: 24th Aug 02
Location: Rob Cheshire
User status: Offline
My sentiments exactly donna. Not spoken to her for months and that was perfect! She not worth it as you say, hence why we split up. Gona try sort it all out tonight with my girlfriend, but she see's it all as too much, too close to home and like Im not ova my ex, not ova her well past that!!!