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Registered: 18th Aug 09
Location: Lancashire
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ive bought a new door and it has chrome door handles (on the inside) how do i remove them and fit standard ones thanks g
Premium Member
Registered: 18th Aug 09
Location: Lancashire
User status: Offline
anyone ?
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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If it's a B:
Unclip the cover from around the tweeter, two screws under that, one at the bottom of the handle.
Mirror cover off, screw behind there on the door card.
Two screws at the back of the door.
Screws all around the door pocket out.
Circlip on the window winder if fitted.
Pull the bottom of the door card towards you so it clears the handle and lift it up.
Handle housing attaches do the door by sliding it sideways. Handle itself needs the pin removing to remove that.