Registered: 3rd Jan 03
Location: oop north! Where people talk properly
User status: Offline
Hey, could do with some help. Got a 57 plate 1.6 astra sxi. Never had any problem with it in 18months, but about a month ago (as the mornings were getting colder), there was about a week where it struggled to start up, but once going, was fine. This stopped so I didnt think about it further. About a week or two ago though it's developed a dead spot at about 2000 revs in all gears. Doesn't matter if you're pulling away, or just changing gears, seems to partially cut out for a couple of seconds, then kicks in again which is quite jerky. It's certainly worse when cold, but does occur even after running for a while. Any idea what it could be? First thoughts were fuel pump etc?
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
User status: Offline
When was it last serviced?
Plugs and leads ok?
Fuel filter fine?
Air filter clean?
Air Flow Meter, or pressure sensor? If AFM try cleaning it.
Could also be sensor related. Does the paper clip test work on this car, or you could take it past a garage and ask them to help you out be readign any fault codes.