Registered: 11th Aug 06
Location: North Wales Drives: BMW, Corsa & Fiat
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Good Part - My neck, (abscess) has started to show signs of recovery. Went to the doctors on Monday in Manchester, and was given some different medication, the four i've tried so far had no effect. This one has started to have effect very quickly!
Bad Part - Last night I woke up at around 4am, and actually thought I was dead (I shit you not) it was the most weird confusing, horrible experience of my life. I was trying to reach for a lamp / table and felt like my hands were just invisible and passing through them, reached for the floor, then my bedpost, felt it but went straight through the wall. I was scared of even getting out of bed incase I fell... found my phone under the pillow, tried to use it as a light to see what was going on and couldn't work it out, got the courage to get out of bed, and open the curtains, opened them, still pitch black and couldn't see anything, ran for the light switch, turned it on then was back in the real world. I've never been so scared in my life!
I read today the leaflet enclosed with the tablets, as my vision seems a little blurred and was wondering if it was a common side effect.
When I looked, half way down it said: anxiety, confusion, sleeplessness or any other mental disturbances.
"If you get any of the following, contact your doctor straight away or seek emergency medical help immediately"
Co-amoxiclav is some shit for you to try BluKoo!!
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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straight jacket time mate.
Registered: 11th Aug 06
Location: North Wales Drives: BMW, Corsa & Fiat
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Seems that way, it was soooo weird!
Registered: 19th Nov 08
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Looking forward to it tonight?
Registered: 11th Aug 06
Location: North Wales Drives: BMW, Corsa & Fiat
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Not at all.
Premium Member
Registered: 22nd Nov 06
Location: West Yorkshire
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Diseased bastard. Seen the pic. You need your head amputating.
Registered: 11th Aug 06
Location: North Wales Drives: BMW, Corsa & Fiat
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You need putting down!
Registered: 28th Mar 02
Location: Redcliffe, QLD
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Let's see it...
Registered: 11th Aug 06
Location: North Wales Drives: BMW, Corsa & Fiat
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Too much effort, cba. Its just 2 scabs on my neck.

That was the other side a few months ago, had surgery to remove all the shit from them.
Registered: 8th Oct 03
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quote: Originally posted by Kurt
Do not accept a YouTube link off Whittie!
Sick bastard sent me vid of it oozing down his neck!
Got me as well
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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Nutcase, looks as if someone has went for a straight kill knife to the throat and you've survived.
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
Location: West Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Whittie
You need putting down!
2 scabs?!?! Lokos like youve got the lurgy!
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
Location: West Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Hammer
Nutcase, looks as if someone has went for a straight kill knife to the throat and you've survived.
Not much chance of that. Couldnt beat his way out of a wet paper bag,
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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I wouldn't mess with him.
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
Location: West Yorkshire
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Hes welsh
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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Exactly, if he didn't give me a sore jaw he'd give me a sore arse.
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
Location: West Yorkshire
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He would prob enjoy it
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Registered: 22nd Feb 05
Location: Basildon, Essex
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Wouldnt have thought an penicillin based antibiotic like co-amoxiclav would cause that to be fair.
You on any pain killers like tramadol? Thats known for shitting people up with halusinations (sp)
Drives supercharged Tec with torque
Registered: 6th Oct 08
Location: cornwall
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Send me the pills