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Author Anyone worked as a car salesmen?

Registered: 6th Apr 09
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19th Jan 12 at 14:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

There is a sales job close by to me and I was wondering if anyone has ever been a carsale person before? I currently work as a service adviser and understand the hours will be longer, but the money will be better if iam good at it. Can it be a good job for a young person?

Registered: 11th Dec 09
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19th Jan 12 at 14:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

for car sales, dont you get paid according to how many cars you sell a month?

Registered: 11th Aug 06
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19th Jan 12 at 14:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

John D.

I did it for a few days, but was a load of shit.
R Lee

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19th Jan 12 at 14:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Everybody I know that have done it in the past, have said its shit. As a n00b, you get bullied by all the management. I'm sure it'll be ok if you're a decent salesman though.

Registered: 6th Apr 09
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19th Jan 12 at 14:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by R Lee
Everybody I know that have done it in the past, have said its shit. As a n00b, you get bullied by all the management. I'm sure it'll be ok if you're a decent salesman though.

The only plus is I already work for the company, and know the management through that BUT in my current role everyone knows me as a helpful, honest person and these type of people dont sell cars haha so I would need to change rapid style if I go for it

Registered: 13th Apr 08
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19th Jan 12 at 14:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If you have the gift of the gab then you can still be honest(ish) about it.
Scotty C

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19th Jan 12 at 15:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Pagey off here. Been doing it years and is earning a good living from it.

Registered: 11th Aug 06
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19th Jan 12 at 15:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The only way you'd enjoy it, is if it was your own lot with your own cars to sell for profit.

Registered: 24th Mar 07
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19th Jan 12 at 15:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Not worked in it but know of people. Seems a very hit and miss job. Some people claim to be in poverty stuggling to even break even, yet some people claim to be earning upto £10,000 a month with comission. (read on pistonheads big thread atm about this sort of thing).

Registered: 6th Apr 09
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19th Jan 12 at 15:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by richc
Not worked in it but know of people. Seems a very hit and miss job. Some people claim to be in poverty stuggling to even break even, yet some people claim to be earning upto £10,000 a month with comission. (read on pistonheads big thread atm about this sort of thing).

Ill have a look on PH see if i can find it

Registered: 6th Apr 09
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19th Jan 12 at 15:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

richc any chance you can post a link, i forgot how big ph forum is haha sorry
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19th Jan 12 at 15:55   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Other halfs bro does it for Renault. Seems to be getting on alright and doing a fair few deals. Also gets a decent company car. Twingo 133 RS

Corsa 2.0 16v Vegas - Sold

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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19th Jan 12 at 15:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I used to hang around with a lad who work for Stoneacre, think he was a sales manager but with a focus on selling/dealing with the financial side/additional products. He used to clear about £3k a month after tax regularly. I think it'd depend on your position and the size of the place, but ultimately it is about your natural ability to be a salesman. May be worth a shot, pretty sure you'll know already/after a day or two whether you are cut out for it!

Registered: 14th Sep 06
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19th Jan 12 at 17:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I am a car salesman for a well known garage in southport we sell 3 year old ford and vauxhalls, theres only 2 of us here who do the sales, times can be hard as customers want something for nothing really, working in a small team has its benifits and your seen as a person and not just a number. the wages are nowere near as good as working for a dealer but i take home a decent wages every month.

being nice seems to work well with customers and being honest aswell works alot.


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19th Jan 12 at 17:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Takes a certain type of person. There is constant pressure from every angle.

Not for me personally.
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19th Jan 12 at 17:54   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Hammer
Takes a certain type of person.

Nail on the head. When I left school I went straight into business appreticeship for Fiat Tamworth. They new that I was really interested to learn about sales and despite me only being 16 they were really keen for me to get involved which was great Started off selling add on packages such as extended warranties, paint protection etc over the phone then I got involved with selling new and used cars where possible. I decided it wasnt for me though. Didn't feel 100% comfortable doing it so I decided to go back into education.

Registered: 17th Sep 08
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19th Jan 12 at 18:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i used to be a mechanic at a franchise of main dealers , the salesmen were constantly stabbing each other in the back and thought they were gods gift. Also the staff turnover seemed high due to people not making the money they were expected to . It is a decent job but i would say its not a secure job and basic pay won't cover most peoples outgoings. This is my experience though , they're is probably places where the salesmen are more of a team

Registered: 14th Feb 07
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19th Jan 12 at 18:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've done the complete opposite.

I was a salesman for a year and a half. Before that I was a valeter.

I moved to being a service advisor as I was getting sick of the hours. I worked on commission and yeah the moneys good etc and I felt like a more higher class of person for some reason. Perhaps the fancy suits etc did it. But after a year and a half, working Sundays etc just got me down.

I also felt I was too honest and nice to customers which isn't a good trait for a salesman. You need to be nice, but blunt at the same time. 'Are you going to buy this today?' instead of 'Go away and have a think and get back to me' which is when they go to another garage with a veteran salesman who has them dealt before they've even sat down.

It's a job for a middle-aged man IMO.

If you truly believe in yourself that you have what it takes, go for it. If you have a doubt or are kidding yourself. Stay put.

Registered: 20th Jun 04
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19th Jan 12 at 19:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by T21SVJ
I am a car salesman for a well known garage in southport we sell 3 year old ford and vauxhalls, theres only 2 of us here who do the sales, times can be hard as customers want something for nothing really, working in a small team has its benifits and your seen as a person and not just a number. the wages are nowere near as good as working for a dealer but i take home a decent wages every month.

being nice seems to work well with customers and being honest aswell works alot.

What place do you work at out of interest?

Registered: 29th Aug 09
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19th Jan 12 at 21:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

strettons of kew , just up from honda and bmw

Registered: 24th Mar 07
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19th Jan 12 at 21:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Some sales people are full of shit. I got invited (well a friend told me I was going because he thought it would be shit) on a night out with the Graypaul nottingham lot sales team.

They all have brand new bmw's from synter as company cars which were always the biggest engine/m sport spec with bonus' for this and that. One guy had a house in spain, london, florida and a penthouse in nottingham city centre which i had a nosey round - all from selling cars :/ He paid for every single drink in the finest bars also. But as said, they were all stuck up pricks (but thanks for the JD). I also sensed the back stabbing as mentioned in the thread. It was all talk talk talk about them selves without even thinking about asking who you are, are what you do unless they think they can get money out of you.

........Even the parts guy had a e90 m3 :/

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