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Author Massive meet in Birmingham on May 4th

Registered: 26th Apr 02
Location: Birmingham UK
User status: Offline
23rd Apr 03 at 05:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Astra-Sport is having a big meet on May the 4th in Birmingham. So far we have 35 cars coming, mostly modified mk4 astras, but now friends from other sites are coming, so some corsa's and vectras are attending also.

Do you fancy coming??? It would be good to get a load of vauxhalls all together??

The list so far from astra-sport is:

1. Rob C

2. Mat G

3. Amk4

4. Mad Philly

5. A_Turbo

6. Paulsri4

7. Nick SRi 2.2

8. A5TRA16v

9. ste_goffy

10. BasilD

11. Siy_

12. Turbo-Toe

13. slimshady

14. Bezza

15. peteb

16. astra-sri

17. SteSri

18. GadgeSXI

19. nuttynovas

20. Minxy

21. Chronic Turbo

22. turbo

23. Pete1

24. Nrj


26. Harvey

27. Greg

28. Autosparks

29. Rich_C

30. M40COO

31. Cal3001

32. AstraDti16v

33. ALAN MK4

34. pete2hotuk1

35. techie

for more info look at and click the link on the home page for the meet info.

[Edited on 23-04-2003 by MatG]

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