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This looks very promising:
For those of you who don't know, this is a completely new take on the franchise.
I like how instead of a nerd, Peter Parker is now a full on genius and much more dependent on technology than special powers. Which apparently is also the case in the comics, but I wouldn't know...
I think I am one of the few who genuinely enjoy all three of the previous films and I was afraid this was going to be an even more family friendly version. From the trailer it doesn't look that way though.
And for the geeks, it's revealed that Peters parents were S.H.I.E.L.D agents before they died. Sam Jackson cameo anyone? 
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The other films aren't even that old.
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quote: Originally posted by adiohead
The other films aren't even that old.
'02, '04 and '07.
Five year gap seems enough to warrant a reboot.
Registered: 26th Sep 05
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redoing them so they can put him in the avengers no doubt. they did the same with hulk
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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Does look good
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quote: Originally posted by LeeM
redoing them so they can put him in the avengers no doubt. they did the same with hulk
Avengers will be released at same time, so seems very unlikely.
Also, all the Avengers films are done by Marvel Studios where as Sony owns the rights to Spidey, so a cross-over storyline might be possible but a combined film doesn't seem very realistic.
Registered: 26th Sep 05
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watched the trailer, looks great
Registered: 19th Nov 08
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Looks a lot better than the teaser trailer that was released a month or so ago, back then it looked an identical copy to the first Spiderman.
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Registered: 8th Jul 03
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i like how they have included dr conners in this one.. i always thought that was missing from the first.
at first when i saw the original trailer a couple weeks back i thought it looked crap and very much the same but this one looks promising.
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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The trailer was on at the cinema last night.
I am really not impressed, the look of the film is the same as Superman, Avengers etc. The Sam Raimi films had real charactor. Tobey Maguire's potrayal of Peter Parker/Spiderman was exactly how I would envisage him to be on the big screen. Anyone who has ever read the comics would also see a resemblance. Andrew Garfield is NOT Peter Parker for me, from what I have seen from the trailer he just didn't look right, fair enough in the suit who would know! His voice i completely wrong too, Maguire pulled the wise cracking one liners off perfectly, Garfields attempts seemed strained.
One scene from the Raimi films stands out for me - The medical scene where they try to remove Doc Oc's arms, anyone who has seen the Evil Dead films will see a connection here and in my opinion is was brilliant film making. That will be lost now and become another superhero movie.
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quote: Originally posted by Marc
The trailer was on at the cinema last night.
I am really not impressed, the look of the film is the same as Superman, Avengers etc. The Sam Raimi films had real charactor. Tobey Maguire's potrayal of Peter Parker/Spiderman was exactly how I would envisage him to be on the big screen. Anyone who has ever read the comics would also see a resemblance. Andrew Garfield is NOT Peter Parker for me, from what I have seen from the trailer he just didn't look right, fair enough in the suit who would know! His voice i completely wrong too, Maguire pulled the wise cracking one liners off perfectly, Garfields attempts seemed strained.
One scene from the Raimi films stands out for me - The medical scene where they try to remove Doc Oc's arms, anyone who has seen the Evil Dead films will see a connection here and in my opinion is was brilliant film making. That will be lost now and become another superhero movie.
I agree and yet somehow disagree.
First off, having only encountered the comic book Spider-Man in The New Avengers I must say it differs a lot from Tobey Maguires performance. Especially the bit about the one liners. In the comics Parker is very tongue in cheek all the time. In the Raimi films he just comes across as goofy.
Raimi constantly tried to pay homage to his low budget gore heritage and I found the scene you point out to cross the line. It's completely out of place in Spider-Man 2 and made me think he didn't have the budget to film it differently. A doctor pulling a chain saw in an operating room is good fun in a zombie flick, but in this film it came across as retarded.
As I said in my original post, I do like the Raimi films, even the third, but I will still look forward to a fresh perspective. Even if it is somewhat influenced by the other succesfull super hero movies.
Registered: 2nd Dec 09
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quote: Originally posted by Balling
And for the geeks, it's revealed that Peters parents were S.H.I.E.L.D agents before they died. Sam Jackson cameo anyone?
Unlikely. Sony still own the rights IIRC.
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quote: Originally posted by Budgie
Unlikely. Sony still own the rights IIRC.
Yes, as stated above Sony holds the Spidey rights and Marvel Studios hold the rest of the Marvel universe.
However since they have introduced SHIELD to the Spidey universe it's not impossible that we'll have a visit from Mr. Fury.
Though in all honesty, I seriously doubt it. 
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Registered: 2nd Dec 09
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also. Black Nick Fury is from the Marvel Ultimate universe.
And in the 'Ultimate' universe Pete Parker dies and gets replaced by Miles Morales.
So it would seem a bit pointless bringing Spider-Man in to The Avengers just to kill him off.
hmm then again a big event in the Marvel universe is the Civil War and SM plays quite a big part in that, so he would tie in with The Avengers at some point but that's going to be a while away.
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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Too soon to be rehashed. Just dont see the point, they dont seem to be bringing anything new to it either.
Same old.
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quote: Originally posted by Budgie
also. Black Nick Fury is from the Marvel Ultimate universe.
And in the 'Ultimate' universe Pete Parker dies and gets replaced by Miles Morales.
So it would seem a bit pointless bringing Spider-Man in to The Avengers just to kill him off.
hmm then again a big event in the Marvel universe is the Civil War and SM plays quite a big part in that, so he would tie in with The Avengers at some point but that's going to be a while away.
But isn't The Avenger and the previous films only loosely placed in the Marvel Ultimate universe? I'm sure I've read that they've picked stuff from different storylines.
And even the team we see in the film is different from any seen in the comics.
Matt L
Registered: 17th Apr 06
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looks pretty good too me, was never keen on the old ones but quite looking forward to this one.
Registered: 24th Jan 04
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There was a 15 minute special for this here when saw Prometheus and tbh initially when the first trailers came out I ridiculed it, however this looked awesome.
Registered: 2nd Dec 09
Location: Basingstoke
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quote: Originally posted by Balling
quote: Originally posted by Budgie
also. Black Nick Fury is from the Marvel Ultimate universe.
And in the 'Ultimate' universe Pete Parker dies and gets replaced by Miles Morales.
So it would seem a bit pointless bringing Spider-Man in to The Avengers just to kill him off.
hmm then again a big event in the Marvel universe is the Civil War and SM plays quite a big part in that, so he would tie in with The Avengers at some point but that's going to be a while away.
But isn't The Avenger and the previous films only loosely placed in the Marvel Ultimate universe? I'm sure I've read that they've picked stuff from different storylines.
And even the team we see in the film is different from any seen in the comics.
well this is it. The problem in having multiple/endless amounts of marvel universes to pick storylines from. Continuity becomes out of place.
I think we’re going to see this in Iron Man 3. As some of the BHS pics we see Iron Patriot. Which was piloted by Norman Osbourne, however this may not tie in with the new SM movie.
I guess it’s just a case of what the director thinks is best for the movie.
Joss Wheaton did a good job because he’s actually written for Marvel.
Whereas Raimi just did his interpretation of Spider-Man.
Oh there was also talks of a Venom spin off with this movie...
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quote: Originally posted by Budgie
well this is it. The problem in having multiple/endless amounts of marvel universes to pick storylines from. Continuity becomes out of place.
I think we’re going to see this in Iron Man 3. As some of the BHS pics we see Iron Patriot. Which was piloted by Norman Osbourne, however this may not tie in with the new SM movie.
I guess it’s just a case of what the director thinks is best for the movie.
Joss Wheaton did a good job because he’s actually written for Marvel.
Whereas Raimi just did his interpretation of Spider-Man.
Oh there was also talks of a Venom spin off with this movie...
Iron Patriot has been denied. Turns out it's actually just a pimped out War Machine.
As for the continuity, I think as long as the films fit within their own universe, it doesn't matter how they fit with the Marvel universe(s).
Though, how Spider-Man should have ignored the events of The Avengers taking place in his city might be a tough one to explain. 
In the end, the creative rights are probably too big a barrier for any type of cross over.
Registered: 2nd Dec 09
Location: Basingstoke
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oh man was kinda looking forward to Iron Patriot in a way.
Not coz of Norman 'im a dick' osbourne but having Iron Patriot would mean The Siege arc and that means Taskmaster 
anywhooo I've still got my fingers crossed for a Deadpool movie.
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...the stunning look of the Oscorp Tower (seriously stunning) was enough for Marvel Studios and Sony to have the discussion about inserting Oscorp into The Avengers skyline. The Unified Marvel Manhattan Skyline almost existed.
By the time the Oscorp building was fully designed, The Avengers digital Manhattan was already basically rendered and there was some up-conversion that needed to go down, so – for timing – it was scrapped.
BUT – Sony and Disney were going to let this happen. THAT’s the key thing here. Timing just didn’t work out.
So... turns out the road has been paved!
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Saw the trailer when I went to see Prometheus. Am not getting excited about it at all, only seems like we had the last 3 5 minutes ago which I really enjoyed.
My transfomers/simple film friends are really trying to sell it to me saying things like.....'yeah but its much darker this time'.
I may get dragged to see it, and if I do hope that I am surprised.
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by SetH
Saw the trailer when I went to see Prometheus. Am not getting excited about it at all, only seems like we had the last 3 5 minutes ago which I really enjoyed.
My transfomers/simple film friends are really trying to sell it to me saying things like.....'yeah but its much darker this time'.
I may get dragged to see it, and if I do hope that I am surprised.
OK art house calm down.