Registered: 19th Apr 03
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As above ? All these people out of work am intrigued to know the figures. My mrs is a lazy boneidle fucker who has decided to stay at home and look after kid . I get " am
Not working all week to have £50 after paying nursery" she's exactly what I complain about . Does anyone else think this generation is work shy ? I don't think it's fuck all to do with the fact of working all week to pay nursery its because she wants to swan around shops and meet her mates for coffee etc . Grrrr rant
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Left school at 16, applied for a job, got it, worked ever since. Now nearly 22.
Registered: 3rd Nov 09
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Imo there are plenty of jobs about its just people are either too picky or want it instantly. The job i have now i worked for the lady for free for almost a year while on the doll. Purely because she could afford to train me whilst paying me ( same old storey ) i ended up working there 4 days a week while on the doll getting the experiance. ( I didn't notify the job center of this because they deduct money etc even when you work for free ) It did pay off in the end tho
Registered: 19th Apr 03
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Same . I had 2 paper rounds from 11 , then worked washing vans from 13 to 16 . Started buying and selling cars at 16 . Did an apprentership from 16 . Started buying and selling bankrupt stock as well to make money up and done same since . I've not been out of work since I left primary school . Pisses me off people who have all excuses under sun not to work
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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Ive put Work but I don't really do a right lot
Registered: 19th Apr 03
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quote: Originally posted by Gary
Ive put Work but I don't really do a right lot
True but you got an apprentership when we left school. Right lot of use that was too lol
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
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Well, you'd know if she had £50 or not left after fees, so there's no thinking about it.
I can see where she's coming from, childcare cost us £500 a month when Izzy was there full time. It ain't cheap! No point working if you're worse off, but I'm not going down that road again, done it last week.
Registered: 11th Mar 08
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Yes worked since i was 14 part time at car tuners till now hate not working
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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quote: Originally posted by baza31
quote: Originally posted by Gary
Ive put Work but I don't really do a right lot
True but you got an apprentership when we left school. Right lot of use that was too lol
I'm on prettt much the same as I was when I finished my time. And ive got a steady number, balls going back to shift work
Registered: 14th Aug 08
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quote: Originally posted by Jakey
Left school at 16, applied for a job, got it, worked ever since. Now nearly 22.
Nearly the same as above.
Left school at 16, moved down south for a bit but didn't work out for me nearly a year on I applied for a job at the place I did work experience got it 8years on im still here.
I don't need to go into family's lofts and find money Just Kidding.
Registered: 9th Feb 12
Location: aberdeen
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i work, im a very determined person and i want to aim high and work my way to the top. but on the other hand i can understand some people not working as there genuinly betetr off financially! i dont blame the unemployed people i blame the government for making it too easy to live off benefits!
Adam C
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Got my first job at the age of 16 whilst still in school and have worked ever since, 22 next month.
My Arden Blue Astra GSi MK4 on BBS LM's Project Thread
Registered: 8th Mar 11
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Work, only part time though
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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quote: Originally posted by Jack-
Work, only part time though
Registered: 16th Apr 07
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Was speaking to a mate about this today, she rents a place for £700 a month. The woman next door gets it off the council and pays nothing as she has 3 kids. Why would that women go get a job as she's going to have to get a damn good job to pay the £700 rent + bills plus then have a decent amount on top to make it worthwhile? Stupid government system and tbh if I was those people I wouldn't bother working either as there's no point when Government are handing out as easy as that
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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im at uni, dont work because it would be a massive inconvenience.
i started work at mcdonalds on the first day i could legally after my gcse's in 2003, been unemployed for about 2 weeks all in until i left work for uni september just gone
Registered: 28th Feb 04
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yes, i like money but hate paying taxes so scum can live for fcuk all
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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I get rent, council tax, computer to help me find a job (got a mac), money towards running car to take step daughter to school, why should I work?
Registered: 9th Nov 07
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quote: Originally posted by Jakey
Left school at 16, applied for a job, got it, worked ever since. Now nearly 22.
Same, only I'm 23 in May.
I've been unemployed for 6 months twice in that time, but since I started working I've had 7 jobs so it wasn't through lack of trying. Was just the usual stuff you read in the news where I was applying to dozens of jobs I was fully qualified in per week and getting mostly no replies. I was also laid off straight after I got my papers so it was like an uphill struggle to get taken seriously
[Edited on 21-02-2012 by alan-g-w]
Registered: 28th Mar 02
Location: Redcliffe, QLD
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Child care in this country is ridiculous. There is no way It costs even 50% of the price they charge to look after a kid whilst it's parents are at work. I understand that nurseries etc need to employ lots of staff especially if the kids are toddlers as they are a handful. The government should cut some of the money from unemployment benefits and use it to help pay childminders. That might even help create jobs, but mostly it will make it more sensible for perents to return to work after having kids.
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
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I thought you worked for the NHS?
Edit - that was to Russ
[Edited on 21-02-2012 by Sam]
Registered: 11th Nov 02
Location: Derby
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Most nursery workers are on minimum pay, even the higher up ones are only on £7 an hour or so.
Childcare is very expensive, however i'd rather my kid be at nursery interacting with other kids while my missus and I work than them two being at home doing nothing all day, even if we are the same financially.
To answer the question though, had a paper round when I was 12, worked at McDs at 16 while at college, got work experience through college, worked there for a further two years, left that to doss around at uni for 5 years, got a bar job 2 years into uni, failed uni, worked there till I got pissed off, been a postman for 4 years now.
[Edited on 21-02-2012 by Cavey]
Dan H
Registered: 27th Nov 08
Location: Stockton-on-Tees
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ive worked since leaving school at 16 untill june august last year (20yr old) when i was in a car accident and ive been on the sick since due to a badly broken leg and it still giving me jip from time to time if i attempt to move anything heavy/walk/stand for too long.
Im still applying for jobs as i hate being out of work. I live on my own £260 per month rent, £50 gas, £50 electric each month, £150 on food inc dog food. but since being on the sick im getting Housing benefit etc and im also getting £100 per week for being on the sick, yet a mate of mine works 16hrs a week, and he only earns £300 per month. So i get more money on benefits than he does working part time, and my money is also going up £30 a week in April. Its stupid how everything works in this country!!
Nic Barnes
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unemplyoed and on benefits and loving it
Registered: 26th Feb 01
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quote: Originally posted by Cavey
Most nursery workers are on minimum pay, even the higher up ones are only on £7 an hour or so.
Childcare is very expensive, however i'd rather my kid be at nursery interacting with other kids while my missus and I work than them two being at home doing nothing all day, even if we are the same financially.
Snap, ours has started school now but we still had him in nursery, even though we were possibly worse off.