Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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planted a shedload of tulip and daffodill bulbs for me mom on saturday,
just watch ing bastid squirrals ripping em up, gonna shoot the little shite wiv a spud gun
Registered: 27th Sep 01
Location: south wales Drives: astra sri ecoflex
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forget the spud gun. get yourself an air rifle or better still a double barrel. then watch them jump the highest they have ever jumped
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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i cant kill em
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
User status: Offline
...........or can i  
Mav 3000
Registered: 16th Aug 01
Location: Leicestershire
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We've got a couple that live near us in Derby where I'm at uni. Live right in the city centre but they're still about. They strip the bark of the trees at thee nd of our garden, drink out of the neighbours bird bath and eat their bulbs to!
Caught this little cheeky monkey redhanded from my bedroom window:

And This was his latest outing...

Registered: 26th Sep 01
Location: south
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PMSL you must have been really bored
"a day in the life of a squirre"l!!
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
User status: Offline
i always watch em, got 3 baby ones aswell,
one beat the shit outta cat. was sooooooo funny
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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GTF thats off the beer advert
Registered: 26th Sep 01
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i get loadsa the feckers in my garden, we have a couple of "supposedly" squirrel proof bird feeders, the feckers still manage to get in em some how!!
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
Location: Waterhouses, Staffordshire
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about 2 years ago I was getting ready in my room, bout 8ish in the morning;neway u know that feeling when u think ur been watched...well I looked up and there was a foOKin squirrel hanging upside down on the wall next to my window.........on the first floor...
Thing is I havnt seen ne others since then or b4 then in my local area.....
I think he wa sadmiring me nuts
Mav 3000
Registered: 16th Aug 01
Location: Leicestershire
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I see them most days when the suns out - climbing trees trying to catch birds (when will they ever learn).
the pictures are out of my bedrrom window at uni - not off any beer advert. Steve's refering to that "I Bet He Drinks Calring Black Label" advert from a few years ago.
We put a bird feeder on our washing line a few weeks ago, it lasted one night before the squirrels climbs on the rotating washing line and chewed through the bottom of it. Not a nut left - the little gits!
Registered: 1st Apr 02
Location: Aberdeen
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Murder them and keep their fur.
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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have a look here mate , this will teach them.
this takes spud guns to the next level.
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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there getting brainy , and must have some balls trying to attack a cat
Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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frig i seen the vids that go with them spug gun things chriky