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Author healthy food
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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18th Mar 12 at 17:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm getting old. and I'm unfit and over weight. I've decided to do something about it basically. although getting fit is the answer, i also in recent years have just eaten a load of shite for my food. the problem i have is i have no idea what is good to eat? in the last week I've been eating a piece of wholemeal toast for breakfast with a glass of fresh orange. i don't usually eat breakfast at all or anything until lunchtime previously. lunch last week consisted of salad boxes, baked potatoes and various cooked chicken and salad in seeded baguettes from the sandwich shop. thats all fine and easy to sort out. its evening meals I'm struggling with tbh.

i have no problem cooking, i was once a chef with nvq's etc. its just knowing what to cook. its easier when its your job as you cook whats ordered. I've been eating brown rice and chicken with peas and sweetcorn, marinated chicken with veg, had a few tubs of healthy soups etc. its worked well last week as it seems I've lost half a stone.

so what else can i make for my evening food? whats good, and most importantly it needs to taste alright as well.

(hope this doesn't end up another ruined thread like i expect)
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18th Mar 12 at 17:23   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Get in the slow cooker thread. Loads of good stuff in there and easy to cook with if your short on time
Tom G

Registered: 4th Aug 08
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18th Mar 12 at 17:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Chicken, lean mince, steak fillet, sweet potatoes, eggs, low carb food basically. Dieting are mostly boring, having a plan for the folliwing couple of days is a good idea as it stops cheat meals from being indecisive.
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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18th Mar 12 at 17:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

thats what I found quite hard last week was not knowing what i was going to make, and then thinking id stick a oven pizza in. resisted so far though. mince isn't a bad thing to think of. will look into things to eat with it.

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18th Mar 12 at 17:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Nick, my first thought is that I can see you are eating healthy but you appear to be taken in a lot of complex carbohydrates (bread, rice, potatoes etc).

I will chip in two points that will make a MAJOR difference.

1) Continue having breakfast every day without fail. When you sleep you are effectively in a 'fasting' state and you need to kick start your metabolism as soon as you wake up. A faster metabolism means that you will burn more calories throughout the day. If you do not eat until lunchtime then that is about 16 hours that your body has gone without food (assuming you have your evening meal around 6pm) and your metabolism grinds to a halt.

2) Do not eat complex carbohydrates after 2pm. Have your pasta, rice, bread & potatoes etc with your lunch time Meal but in the evening drop them all together. Fill your plate up with vegetables or salad in the evenings. For example tuna steaks with stir fried mixed veg or roast chicken and salad. If you take it an excess of complex carbs then your body will store this as fat. Anyone living a normal lifestyle (Ie not an athlete) would do good to avoid complex carbs in the evening.

The above is tried and tested by myself and also many of my friends (some of whom do not exercise) and it works and is still healthy.

hope that helps.

Registered: 9th Aug 04
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18th Mar 12 at 17:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I lost 3 stone by eating the following for 10 weeks:

Breakfast: 2x Shredded Wheat with semi-skimmed milk

Lunch: Tomato soup or Chilli+Rice or Lasagne

Tea: Tomato soup or Chilli+Rice or Lasagne or Omlette, stir fry

The food got very boring in the end, as you'd imagine, but it worked out....3 stone was gone in 10 weeks (this involved doing over 100 miles per week on my bike too by the way)

I didnt eat bread, chocolate, crisps or any sort of takeaway during this time either...and i used to drink a fair amount of water, which kept the hunger at bay for the first 2 weeks.

Motivation is also a big part of the above. One of my work colleagues called me "fat", infront of others. Rather then pick on things about him, such as being 30, single, balding and grey...i decided to do something about my weight...given that it was something i could actualyl change, as opposed to 3 of his 4 identified "flaws"

[Edited on 18-03-2012 by Aaron]
Tom G

Registered: 4th Aug 08
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18th Mar 12 at 17:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah wraps are good, just don't have too many and lay off the cheese. I had a shit week as I've just not been very organised. Just write out little note for meals and grab all the stuff, the less you visit the shops the less your going to be tempted. Also lay off the energy drinks.
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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18th Mar 12 at 17:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

cheers yep. stir fry is a very good suggestion and easy thing to make. i usually eat evening meal maybe 7-7:30. contrary to popular internet beliefs i do exercise, although not massively. i spend maybe 3-4 nights a week on a crappy exercise bike. usually cover around 30-35km per time i do it. this never had an effect before due to the shite i was eating in the day time other than to probably stabilise my original weight.

one thing i won't eat is fish. i don't mind canned tuna. but can't stand the smell of fish cooking.

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18th Mar 12 at 17:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Also eat small and regular nick to keep your metabolism stoked up. You are better to have 6 small feeds a day rather then 3 big ones. Imagine peaks and troughs in metabolic activity on a graph, you want to try and keep it up there.
Tom G

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18th Mar 12 at 17:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

As setH said fish is great too, don't feel you need to take in 0 grams of fat everyday, you need a little bit but from good sources such as olive oil, nuts.

Registered: 15th Jul 01
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18th Mar 12 at 17:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yes essential fatty acids and you can get those from the foods Tom has mentioned.

The John West (I think) Tuna steak pouches are quite good. you can get thai red chilli or lemon and pepper and these are great with stir fry veg.

Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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18th Mar 12 at 17:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Tom G
Yeah wraps are good, just don't have too many and lay off the cheese. I had a shit week as I've just not been very organised. Just write out little note for meals and grab all the stuff, the less you visit the shops the less your going to be tempted. Also lay off the energy drinks.

I've changed jobs in the last month or 2, well same place just different role. all day is quite physical work, and I'm finding I'm worn out on a night and I'm sleeping better. i haven't actually had an energy drink in weeks, no monster which i used to have 2 cans a day on average. need to make a list for evening meals then. I'm alright with breakfast toast and whatever i get for lunch.

stir fry of sorts is on the cards. is it ok to get them bags of the frozen mini veg for it?
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18th Mar 12 at 17:46   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

im doing the same nic, working long shifts is the killer for me because i dont have time to make anything.

i am being careful with my calorie intake, and eating plenty of fruit inbetween meals
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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18th Mar 12 at 17:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm on apple about 10am and a banana usually or another apple about half 2.

I'm finding that I'm actually hungrier a lot more since i started eating breakfast. guess thats as seth says, kick starts metabolism. I'm not paying attention to the women numbers, and i don't think i ever will as it seems a bit pointless at times?

Registered: 11th Aug 02
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18th Mar 12 at 17:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I spread my pack up out throughout the day.

Have something morning break
Have something afternoon break - Apple or banana

Registered: 11th Nov 02
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18th Mar 12 at 17:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Barnes I salute you for having a go I tried Last yr but failed and I am determined to have a go again from my 33rd birthday in 2 weeks
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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18th Mar 12 at 21:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

the older you get the harder it gets people say. this kinda made me think its about time had a go. lifestyle was crap, on a daily basis. i smoke a bit too much maybe, but thats probably going to be the last thing i try and sort out as i enjoy it. finished with weed end of last year, not been tempted yet, so thats a good thing. diet and more exercise for this year see what happens.

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18th Mar 12 at 21:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Buy a running machine or cross trainer and use it every day. To spice things up have an electric heater on full blast next to you for extra sweating.

Your cars will also feel quicker with the weight you lose. Cheapest mod ever.

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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18th Mar 12 at 21:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

soup is great, low in calories, easy to make, many different recipes and the consistantly is proven to go through your system slower, which means you feel fuller for longer.

Smaller plates, you can still eat the things you like and ate before, just less of them which means less calories.

I wouldn't advice this one personally, but you could find out about calories, how many in certain foods etc, know your daily limits, know whats in the food your eating, you can kind of put things back in the cupboard because they are a huge amount of your daily % of calories and choose something which is less calories and probably more healthy.

I lost about 10kg in 2 months just by doing that, and without being rude I wasn't fat to begin with and they say it's easier to lose more weight the more fat you have, so if I can lose 10kg like that then someone over weight could do it to, given they stick with it.
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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18th Mar 12 at 21:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

we'll I've only done better eating for a week now. although I've done more exercise as my job is more physical etc, and I'm on the exercise bike few times a week. roughly a month ago i was 17 stone 3. I'm now 16 stone 6. i am a big build though. very broad up top so although thats a lot of weight and probably get internet insults for it, like i do most days, I'm not actually massively fat to look at.

stupid thing is scoot, thats exactly what i was told that gave me the motivation to do it. cheaper than losing weight from the car.

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18th Mar 12 at 23:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Bit late so haven't read all the thread but I'd get a cheap good generic cooking book, obviously have a good look through it first to see what the recipes are like, if you see a few you like then buy it.

No point eating stuff you don't like just for the sake of eating healthy (you said you had brown rice...).

With regards to resisting to put a pizza in the oven, if you cook something, cook two or three portions at a time and put the spare one(s) in the fridge/freezer then reheat?
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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19th Mar 12 at 02:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I actually don't mind brown rice, quite nice really.

Stupidly hasn't considered getting a book, that's a good idea will have look when I go shopping tomorrow. Definitely going to get more soup. Was some covent garden things I bought last time. Expensive but really nice as well.

Top idea with a book though.
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19th Mar 12 at 02:18   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

can you not go see a nutrion my dad did it and got a plan made out for him goes back every 4 month to get a new one, he has come down from 15 stone to 11 stone and still going.

all he eats is brown rice/pasta, some shake things, something called green magic, and stuff like tuna steaks, chicken,turkey and lots of veg.

he has 6 small meals a day 3 of them are solid food rest is mixture of shakes/green magic

1 meal is like : 1 cup of mixed veg steamed 150g of chicken or/tuna, boiled sweet potatoe and chilli sauce from stir fry stuff
then a shake 4 hours later
then say brown rice/pasta and 150g of chicken

[Edited on 19-03-2012 by bally2010]

Registered: 19th Nov 08
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19th Mar 12 at 09:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Sounds like a body builders diet

Foods like soup and currys can be made in batches (rather difficult making just 1 portion!), frozen then reheated easily as well

Registered: 28th Sep 01
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19th Mar 12 at 09:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Refined carbs are the devil's work.
Avoid totally.

Oh and avoiding all carbs in the evening is a good idea. When I cut out carbs totally I lost a stone pretty quickly.

Just eat chicken/fish/protein and veg/salad for dinner.
Omelettes too

Cut out cow and pig meat, imo
Humans and red meat don't mix and pork is fatty

[Edited on 19-03-2012 by adiohead]

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