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Author How crazy is this???

Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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25th Apr 03 at 19:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

There are only 5 zonda's in the UK... 2 of which are being sold in a new dealership called 'euro sports cars' in my village hehe!

I was just driving past the other day and was like 'wtf?! what is a zonda doing in my tiny village? - then noticed another! couldn't believe my eyes.

They seem to sell other nice cars like Ferrari 355, 360, Audi TT, etc... but these 2 zonda's are amazing - Zonda S is 0-60 in 3.7 seconds!!!

The reason its crazy is I live in quite a little quiet village and then suddenly there's this here and its like out of place. Probably something to do with Gerrards Cross being only up the road and that place has like the most millionaires in the UK.

Paul J

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