random dav
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: NSW
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Moved to aus a few weeks ago and spotted a Barina GSi for $500 no pics, crap description on Gumtree, well thought balls to it and managed to get it for $200 (about £120 quid)

Paint is feckered, engine snapped a rod, gonna try and source a 16xe until funds permit to buy a Calibra for the engine. But it keeps us busy!
Away ready to begin work on

Also got project number 2 when we can find a donar vehicle

I'll be getting a project thread up in the next few days when we start work
[Edited on 12-05-2012 by random dav]
[Edited on 21-05-2012 by random dav]
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Registered: 12th Nov 10
Location: Lancashire
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Great project! Is there anything different from them to our version? If so then you should get all the parts delivered from here and have something pretty cool over there 
Will be an interesting project anyway with the amount of work it needs.
[Edited on 12-05-2012 by kennySRi]
Registered: 27th Jun 10
Location: lancashire, nelson
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Cool! Cant wait to see how this goes! like the holden gsi wheel centres!
Registered: 24th Mar 07
Location: Ilkeston
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Love the old land cruiser.
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Pretty cheap! Looking forward to the LC pics.
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Registered: 8th Feb 11
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very gsi looks likes its all in good rust free? get a thread up on project/build
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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I've got X16 rods if you want one sending over, not sure what the availability of engines is like over there.
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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Wasting no time I see
Registered: 14th Feb 07
Location: Perth, Western Australia
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If I remember right, Calibras fetch an absolute fortune over there???
random dav
Premium Member
Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: NSW
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Kenny - nothing I have found so far apart from it's got aircon
Vxscott - no rot or rust apart from a scab on the roof edge, underneath is near as damn it perfect
Ian - I'll get the engine stripped and let you know as that would be a big help
Stan - yeah they can be, cars over the west are expensive fullstop as they dont rot, etc
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Registered: 4th Jul 09
Location: Marlborough, Wiltshire
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Love the Holden centre caps.
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Registered: 16th Jan 05
Location: Fareham, Hants Drives: Octavia VRS
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Awesome. A proper barina gsi on CS 
Corsa 2.0 16v Vegas - Sold
Registered: 6th Sep 09
Location: Tyne and Wear, gateshead
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did u move over oz or have u always lived there ??
random dav
Premium Member
Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: NSW
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quote: Originally posted by Alex_Rally
did u move over oz or have u always lived there ??
Been here 4 weeks now
Update... Found a nice hole in the block 
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Registered: 3rd Jan 07
Location: County Durham
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Awaits everyone to jump on the holden branding band wagon over hear 
Looks like a promising project
random dav
Premium Member
Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: NSW
User status: Offline

Update bought a Calibra redtop for a massive cost of $450 delivered, so got 'em both for $650... who said Aus was expensive for cars! Will get a project thread up when it gets delivered later this week
Project cars