Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
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General question really.
What would be the symptoms of having too much oil in an engine?? Would it massively affect performance?? Like if there was over 1lt extra oil in.
Martin W
Organiser: South East Premium Member
Registered: 10th Aug 09
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i imagine it would run poorly and there would be white smoke out the back
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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If it where burning oil the smoke would be blue.
The performance would be reduced, feel sluggish and underpowered?
That's all I know.
Registered: 30th Jun 06
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quote: Originally posted by Corsa_Sport21
General question really.
What would be the symptoms of having too much oil in an engine?? Would it massively affect performance?? Like if there was over 1lt extra oil in.
You'll think you have gotten away with it when you dont have much smoke, then when your driving and the engine warms up and the oil expands youll be smoking like a goodun.
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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bad for bearings etc..
The oil will be churned up (cavitate) by the crank sweeping through it.... bubbles in the oil (frothy)
Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
User status: Offline
Thanks for the replies guys, just needed to put my mind at rest.
Yes Jambo, very underpowered and generally not running as good as it should be.
Its not belting out smoke which did confuse me, but there is far too much oil in it. Way up past the max fill level.
This much more, where my finger is.....

Thats the max fill level below my finger.
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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thats not going to cause major issues, just drain some off as soon as you can
Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
User status: Offline
Yeah going to drain some in morning.
Having running/performance problems, and alot of pressure in CCV system. Hoping this is the reason why as ive just spent all day fitting a new oil separator to no avail.
Oh and btw, i never put the oil in, the numpty before me must have.
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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yup, its prob blocked the breathers and gunked up a few things.
Give it a good service, clean TB (carb cleaner etc), new plugs
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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blocked as is oil covering them at the base (not blocked as in full of shit)
Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
User status: Offline
Aye some of the breathers were a bit gunked up so gave them a clean out.
Here's the CCV system....
I just replaced part no1 after part no2 was collapsing when the car was running.
Part no2 goes from the oil separator (as pictured) and connects to the inlet manifold (just after the throttle body).
Hose no2 sucks air up through the CCV system, which in turn is causing it to collapse.
You probably know how it works anyway, but just thought id explain to keep myself right lol.
So would the too much oil, explain why its collapsing?? No air/fumes in the system for it to pull up seeing as its full of oil, therefor causing it to just pull the hose in instead.
The bottom breather (hose4) goes into the dipstick tube. Im guessing thats where it pulls the vapours/fumes from, then through the oil separator.
Hope the above makes sense. And do you think its the reason for the problems im having.... Car holding back, and running a tad lumpy.
Registered: 8th Oct 08
Location: Berkshire
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Most cars will stat blowing the filler cap off (if they arent screw on) and smoking as oil will be forced though the PCV system.. If you REALLY over-fill it you can fuck your crank/little ends because of the stresses.
Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
User status: Offline
Its a screw on cap.
When i take the cap off, when its running, the hose from the oil separator dosn't collapse. It expands itself back out. That seem right??
Does the oil dipstick tube, normally sit inside the oil, or just above it??
[Edited on 06-06-2012 by Corsa_Sport21]
Registered: 8th Oct 08
Location: Berkshire
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Depends on the car really.. Can you notice any presure coming out of the dip-stick tube?? If its not throwing the stick out its probably ok.
Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
User status: Offline
Can't say ive noticed, the dip stick is quite a tight fit once its in, would need to be a shit load of pressure to blow it out tbh.
More brain picking here.....
On the inlet manifold, after the throttle body, where the pipe from the oil separator goes into, theres alot of pressure in that. The pressure is being sooked through the inlet, and then through that top hose. Does that sound right??
Registered: 18th Dec 11
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That much oil over (looks like a BMW dipstick to me?) isn't a lot, probably like 200-400ml's over which is nothing really, certainly wont cause any major problems.
Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
User status: Offline
Yeah BMW.
I will report back the morn after ive drained it to the correct level. I would say its alot more than 200-400ml though.
Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
User status: Offline
Drained some oil out today, was over a litre too much in it.
Still getting same problems, top breather hose is still collapsing.
All the other breather pipes are clear as i checked them while doing the oil separator.
Will try a bit hardpipe in place of the hose thats collapsing, see if that makes any difference.
The inlet manifold seems to be drawing alot of air into it on idle it, would have thought it would be the other way.
Like when you put your finger over the plug the top hose goes onto, you can feel it sucking your finger in quite bad.
[Edited on 07-06-2012 by Corsa_Sport21]