Registered: 11th Apr 02
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I can get green or dried oak but its not right for what i need.
Am thinking, Beech, Walnut, Ash, etc
Even bits of tree that i can dry.
I want wood, show me yours!
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We used to get offcuts from a joinery place by the ton. Cheaper than logs but burn a lot quicker
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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I have a bit kicking round
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Registered: 11th Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by mwg
I have a bit kicking round
got any walnut trees?
Could earn us a fortune
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
User status: Offline
If I had Walnut I'd be milling it in to planks and selling it myself There was Walnut tree years ago but it's gone now. Not found another one yet.
Got loads of Oak, Ash, Aspen, Silver Birch and a bit of Sycamore and Cherry.
What are you wanting it for? I'm too far away from you anyway
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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Making gun stocks and pistol grips
check out the price of blanks (which need shit loads of work still)
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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Holy shit, license to print money My Uncles a joiner so got all the kit to be able knock those out easy enough. It would take a long time to air dry the wood to the moisture content they are quoting there. A few years I'd of thought.
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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Yep 9 years to dry. No wonder it costs so much.
Registered: 19th Apr 03
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Oven gas mark two for half hour 
Also they might be advertising them for 350 but I doubt they sell much
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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Have also seen people making stocks using old wood from door/window sills or fireplaces etc
They sell quite well.
I saw a piece of walnut that was over £1000, enough to do 2 stocks.
tempted to go cut some trees down and sell the wood in 10yrs time, could keep wood now and by the time i retire i could live off selling wood
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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I think you would struggle to dry any wood you felled yourself slowly enough that it didn't split and/or warp. Going off my experience of drying firewood. You would need to control the rate it drys at, too much airflow and heat and it'll split, too little and it might go mouldy.
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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My mate dried some ash by cutting it up and leaving in corner of workshop for a few years, then i pinched it for my greenhouse project 
I know what your saying though, not as easy as just slinging it in a corner, especially larger amounts.
Just over my fence is "walnut tree meadow", must be some walnut trees there thinking about it 