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Author Ebay Shops

Registered: 7th Feb 08
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24th Jul 12 at 19:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Does anyone on here run an ebay shop?

is there a way to get a good shop layout etc?

I'm just looking into whether it could be a viable option for me or whether its more hassle than its worth

Registered: 11th Aug 06
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24th Jul 12 at 19:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Registered: 14th Sep 04
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24th Jul 12 at 19:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yes. I'd suggest trading on eBay without a shop first to see how you find it. They can be a very 'different' type of customer and it's not for everyone.

Registered: 7th Feb 08
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24th Jul 12 at 19:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ah ok, going to look at car chargers etc and see what sort of money I can get them for and what sort of money they will sell for.

Alex, I didnt know you did that aswel
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24th Jul 12 at 20:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If you've got a Mac, buy GarageSale from the app store and use one of their templates (either for normal or shop auctions).

I use it for my shop and it's good. I could have probably coded something myself but I don't have the time these days.

Registered: 7th Feb 08
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24th Jul 12 at 20:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I dont know how to code sam

I also only use a laptop

Is your ebay shop worthwhile? So far just from a quick look it seems it will be alot of turnover for not a massive profit? obviously a numbers game
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24th Jul 12 at 20:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It's only worth it if either you can sell stuff on there at a stupidly low price (i.e. you buy whatever in bulk) or you sell something that no-one else really sells (but people will buy).

I'm tempted to close mine TBH as I hardly make any sales - a lot of my competitors on there sell their stuff cheaper than my cost price and offer free delivery etc.

There's no way I can really compete with that.

Registered: 7th Feb 08
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24th Jul 12 at 20:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've been searching up and down for cheaper suppliers etc and have today found one much cheaper than I currently pay via my shop(highstreet). But some of the costs seem crazy...

For example I can buy a car charger for 88p ex vat and delivery.

There's people selling on there for £1.10 including free postage. I can't compete with that when you take ebay/paypal fees etc off it seems daft
K2 GTi

Registered: 21st Oct 04
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24th Jul 12 at 21:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

To post a car charger SECOND class is £2.20, so they're losing money there.
I wouldn't go into mobile phone accessories as your business will fail. People are selling these items at lower than cost price to get their feedbacks up. Also, check the many many many 10,000's of competition you are facing.


Registered: 7th Feb 08
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24th Jul 12 at 21:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I was only looking at it as another side income mate. I sell plenty of accessories in my retail shop, just wondered if that ebay was an option worth looking at

Registered: 7th Feb 08
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24th Jul 12 at 21:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by K2 GTi
People are selling these items at lower than cost price to get their feedbacks up.

Also, what's the point in this?

Registered: 14th Sep 04
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24th Jul 12 at 21:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Read up on loss leaders. Ebays slightly different though, people wil sell stuff at a loss to keep DSRs high and to hold onto top rated seller status where they can push items not being sold at a loss. When I say not being sold at a loss I mean they're making pennies on each item. You'll find most people doing this are the wholesales themselves.

The only way to do it nowadays without having extremely deep pockets and a warehouse is to find a niche, something with less competition(you won't find something no one else is selling that people want to buy so forget that idea) and slowly carve out your piece often pie.

Sometimes you have to be really obscure which means having a really good knowledge of your trade, something that interests you. At one point you could just sell military clothing or fishing tackle but now you have to be more precise.

Registered: 19th Apr 07
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24th Jul 12 at 22:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If you can open a couple of accounts and try and build feedback. On them all. As you trade you ALWAYS get people trying it on. One bad feedback and that's that account more or less fucked as you drop down to 90 odd % rather than the magic 100%

Once you get a half decent feedback score open a shop. Listing fees are 10p rather than 40p (for example) there is other bonuses. But honestly Ebay is full of some right scumbags and some properly fucking thick cunts

You will get people trying it on. At the moment one of my competitors is checking my feedback and sending my buyers Emails saying to buy from him and he'll promise to beat my prices and give a free gift!

Plus all his mates (or him on different accounts) are buying stuff and not paying or putting in claims for postage or item not received etc.

Sound cliche but "It's a jungle out there!"
K2 GTi

Registered: 21st Oct 04
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24th Jul 12 at 22:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Jim is right.
I've had many of people try it on and buy off me with the intention of leaving bad feedback.
I made it to top seller status and plan to keep it that way though

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