Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
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If the police are on the side of the road with a camera (on a tripod stand) do they have to pull you over to fine you etc etc 
Reason being i was just driving down the a127 and i noticed the police standing in the corner, i was going over the speed limit so i slowed down and i noticed they had a camera there i thought ohhhhh dear, when i looked at them as i was going past they didnt look at me atall 
Whats the score here then guys and gals ??
Do they have to pull me over there and then or if the worst comes to the worst do i expect something in the post
Registered: 24th Aug 02
Location: Rob Cheshire
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I had similar one, but I got pulled over. Have seen other ones on a tripod where they can photograph your number plate or write it down. Not sure though sorry.
Registered: 21st Sep 02
Location: U.K.
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You might get the fine/points in the post. Thats what happened to me mum when she got caught speeding by a copper holding a speed gun.
Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
Arghhhhh i hope im ok, how far do there guns reach ??? nothing flashed (i dont think) and when i drove past they didnt look at me
Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
Anyone ?
Welsh Dan
Registered: 23rd Mar 00
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guns are summat like 1/4 mile
Registered: 3rd Dec 02
Location: Newport, Wales
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they dont have 2 flash, but usually you get pulled over
[Edited on 29-04-2003 by AustinPXX]
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Mill Hill East, Greater London
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i shouldn't worry about it,
they'll usually pull u over.
Registered: 3rd May 01
Location: Great Harwood, Lancashire
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This happend in great harwood where i live there was a guy wavin at cars i thought silly idiot but down the road was a speed camrea so i slammed on down to 33ish and i thought that i was caught. About 2 1/2 weeks later i was talkin to the woman next door and she had got caught bye the same one doing 36 and it came in the post so im not sure if you have been caught or not Lee
Hawk Eye 1
Registered: 27th Mar 03
Location: Pontefract
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If they get your number plate then they can send you the fine by post they do not have to pull you there and then
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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i know someone who got done for speeding and he was 1 mile away when they clocked him 
Registered: 28th Mar 01
Location: South Wales
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yup if u were mor than 3% over the speed limit youve more than likly been done. they dont flash & they dont have to pull you over just takes a photo ov your no plate then posts you youre fine & points. was it a dual carraige way ? cos the camera can only concentrate on one lane at a time.
Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
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Yep was dual carriage was and i think they had in on the slow lane 4 some reason cos when i went passed they didnt even look at me
Registered: 21st Sep 02
Location: U.K.
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They don't have to pull you over.
If your on a motorway and the cop car is using VASCAR then they will pull you over and write you out a ticket.
If the cops are at the roadside using a mobile camera then they don't necessarily pull you over. I have seen mobile cameras on the tops of bridges overlooking a motorway. It is gonna be impossible to pull you over from there. They just get your reg plate and it comes through the post.