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This always make me think about driving there, and not taking the trailer..
[Edited on 14-08-2012 by daine]
[Edited on 14-08-2012 by daine]
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Registered: 22nd Feb 07
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Always seems to be the blind crests there
But yeh seen plenty of knobhead driving round knockhill on public trackdays
Guy videoing deserved it, was waaay too close up the arse of the other cars not surprised he rear ended someone tbh
[Edited on 14-08-2012 by SteveoBC]
Organiser: Yorkshire Premium Member
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It scares me that corner. 
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It's a right shitter when you've nothing to get home in. Luckily the time I crashed I was only at Oulton Park, about 50 minutes away so Ian dropped his Puma off then came back to pick me up. Had it been somewhere further away I'd have probably had to pay the AA £104, I think that's how much they said it'd be.
I quite like that corner tbh, it's just got potential to be bad if you don't treat it right. That crash looks to be a very similar scenario to the vid that got posted a while back where the 205 mounted a CTR and rolled, just someone inviting an overtake when they shouldn't and the following driver accepting the invitation when they also shouldn't.
[Edited on 14-08-2012 by Mike]
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Moral of that one is give the slower cars a bit of room. Sitting on people's arse just makes them do silly things like spin off.