Registered: 14th May 09
Location: Nantwich, Cheshire
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Right so after a couple of weeks of trying to decide what car I want next I've decided to go for the corsa c 1.8 sri,
I'm going to have a look at one tomorrow in silver standard car done 74,000 miles full service history good condition, is there anything I should look out for are these? Problems ect. Cheers guys!
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Registered: 4th Jul 09
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Wet foot wells, caused by a leak from rain water.
Registered: 8th May 11
Location: West Yorkshire
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Wet floors as said, gear linkage, just usual stuff rly
Registered: 12th Feb 06
Location: Horsforth, West Yorkshire
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Gear linkages. Rear coil springs.
Check it has genuine Hagus SRi mirrors too cause there expensive second hand.
Registered: 6th Dec 10
Location: Totnes , Devon
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As above , wet footwells really
Registered: 10th Jul 08
Location: Northampton England
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wet foot wells which is caused by the seal failing around where all the electronics enter the bulkhead up behind the scuttle panel on the passenger side
Registered: 16th Oct 10
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ill say wet footwells just like the other 8 people above me
Registered: 14th May 09
Location: Nantwich, Cheshire
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Ok cheers guys, I'll have a good look round it and post some pictures up 2moz
Registered: 12th Feb 06
Location: Horsforth, West Yorkshire
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And at 74k it will be due a cambelt soon (due every 40k)
Registered: 14th May 09
Location: Nantwich, Cheshire
User status: Offline
Ye will be puttin a cambelt on it mate, it did have one at 40k
Registered: 14th May 09
Location: Nantwich, Cheshire
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Ye will be puttin a cambelt on it mate, it did have one at 40k
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Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Reading, UK Drives: Corsa C
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My Brother is selling his 1.8 SRi, it has a Dbilas inlet manifold too. It'll be in the ad's section either this evening or tomorrow 
Corsa C Z20Let
Black Sleeper Turbo Project
Registered: 7th Nov 11
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Astronomically shit handling in the wet along with lashings of wheelspin 
Yeah wet footwells, real Sri mirrors, linkage as above
Registered: 15th Sep 08
Location: Glasgow City
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water leaks in the foot wells
gear selector and intemediate issues
front rollbar links
front bottom arm bushes
the flexi splitting on the exhaust
loose bolts on the steering colomn to rach on the drivers footwell
snapped rear springs
Registered: 5th May 04
Location: Skoda Octavia Estate, Ford Puma
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quote: Originally posted by AndyCorsaSport
And at 74k it will be due a cambelt soon (due every 40k)
It's every 60k according to Vauxhall. I asked this question when i had one.
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Registered: 29th Apr 08
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It seems to vary between 40 and 60k depending on who you ask.
Davieslim's post seems to sum it up pretty well. If there is knocking over bumps on the test drive then it could be drop links which are cheap, or possibly the steering rack. If you stop the car and rock the steering wheel side to side and it knocks then, that seems to be a sign of a worn rack.
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Registered: 15th Sep 08
Location: Glasgow City
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mines had the knocking noise when i rocked the steeing fom side to side with the ignition off and it tuned out to be the bolt going that secues the coloumn to the rack in the drivers footwell was loose, appaently its a common problem, a bit of loctite and a tighten and the noise is gone
Registered: 14th May 09
Location: Nantwich, Cheshire
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Cheers guys! well I endid up buying it and it has no problems what so ever full service history all old mots receipts ect, 8 stamps in the book well looked after motor! I'll post up pictures tonight as I'm making a build thread for it
Registered: 14th May 09
Location: Nantwich, Cheshire
User status: Offline
Cheers guys! well I endid up buying it and it has no problems what so ever full service history all old mots receipts ect, 8 stamps in the book well looked after motor! I'll post up pictures tonight as I'm making a build thread for it
Registered: 14th May 09
Location: Nantwich, Cheshire
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| link for advert on piston heads
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Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Reading, UK Drives: Corsa C
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Looks tidy
Corsa C Z20Let
Black Sleeper Turbo Project
Registered: 19th Jun 10
Location: South Yorkshire
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Looks good but make sure to change this exhaust as it's been replaced with a 1.4 one
Registered: 14th May 09
Location: Nantwich, Cheshire
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O didn't realise that what do the 1.8 ones look like?
Registered: 19th Jun 10
Location: South Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by bignev
O didn't realise that what do the 1.8 ones look like?
The 1.8 one looks like this with a chrome end:

and the 1.4 one is this shape and the end isn't chrome so it rusts easy (as it looks like in the ad for yours)

The 1.8 standard ones are hard to come by which is why they end up with 1.4 ones on
Registered: 7th Nov 11
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Anyone have the click that sometimes happens when braking?
Only does it once when braking not continuous or anything.
Read it might be pads?