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Author Croft

Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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31st Aug 12 at 14:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Anyone been? Any tips to pass on?

I'm racing there next weekend..... and I've never been

Straight into 10mins or qualy then 2x races :O

ANyone remember if its on TOCA for the PS2?
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31st Aug 12 at 15:20   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It's on toca 2 for ps1 if that's any help, graphics aren't great though

Edit: According to wikipedia it's on toca race driver on ps2 aswell

[Edited on 31-08-2012 by GB123]
Dan H

Registered: 27th Nov 08
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31st Aug 12 at 16:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

no useful info about track, but its only a 20min drive from my house may have pop up!
jimmy 2.1

Registered: 17th Oct 05
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31st Aug 12 at 20:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Raced there on my bike a few years ago and did a few trackdays until the recent noise restrictions. Was one of my favourite places.

The little Ess bend after the first corner (Clervaux) can be pretty much straight lined. Hawthorn can be attcked but keep a tight-ish line as it drops off camber. This'll get you a good sling shot out of the chicane onto the back straight. The place where you'll make most time up is through Jim Clarke Esses into Barcroft and Sunny In and Sunny out. Very fast set of bends! Take Sunny In and Sunny out as one big corner even thought it's two! Complex is pretty much one line.

Hairpin onto the start/finish straight is what ruins the circuit imo. Its too tight!

Hope this helps. thank me later after you've finished supping the winners champers!

Registered: 12th Feb 06
Location: Horsforth, West Yorkshire
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31st Aug 12 at 22:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What Jimmy said, hawthorn bend was slippy when I went last year, had the 106 sideways

What are you racing in? (which car and what race)

Mate and his dad do croft a lot. Search nsscc35 on YouTube, his dads got plenty of vids on in his 640/740 bhp Evo 8. Might help you gather some lines, although watch my mates vids too (106 rallye) his lines are a bit better I think.

Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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2nd Sep 12 at 15:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Impreza in NSSCC B

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2nd Sep 12 at 15:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ah right, you may be racing against my mates dad then if he's up there, it's a red Evo 9 (not 8 as I said above) with carbon front.

Quick pic

Have a chat with him if he's there, proper sound bloke, called Pete.

Registered: 5th Jul 00
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2nd Sep 12 at 16:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

aye, I 'hope' that'll be in the class above me (A)

Registered: 4th Dec 06
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2nd Sep 12 at 16:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

My dads friend is racing there next weekend, Metro 6R4

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2nd Sep 12 at 16:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

same class as me

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2nd Sep 12 at 20:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I live right near, pass it everyday on way to/from work

Done a few track days for birthdays etc, loads of videos on youtube if they help.

Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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2nd Sep 12 at 20:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

aye, watched a few now. Seems a fast flowing circuit

Pretty rough on tyres?

Registered: 12th Feb 06
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2nd Sep 12 at 20:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'd say it was good on tyres, I did an open pit lane day on Toyo proxes t1r's. Did 9k on the road with them, track day all day and still had 3mm ish when I sold it 4 month after track day.

Registered: 4th Dec 06
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9th Sep 12 at 16:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

How did you get on?

Last i spoke with ken him and the bmw driver weren't happy with each other

Registered: 12th Feb 06
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9th Sep 12 at 16:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

From what I heard AK broke the scoob Saturday and gone home? I've been up there all day today and didn't see it so guessed you weren't there.

Mates dad got a wicked start on grid from 4th straight for 1st at first corner, then 2nd for next few laps then was hit on purpose by guy in 3rd and ended up 15th after a spin. Finished off 8th.

Registered: 5th Jul 00
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9th Sep 12 at 18:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yup, fucked the car on Friday, fixed it, then major engine fucked on Sat in qualy.

Was fast enough for pole

Registered: 12th Feb 06
Location: Horsforth, West Yorkshire
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9th Sep 12 at 21:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Gutted mate! Was going to come over and have a chat if you were there today.

New engine time? Or big rebuild?

What do you think to the track?

Registered: 5th Jul 00
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10th Sep 12 at 07:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

liked the track a lot

Not sure on the exact damage yet, but would prefer to keep this engine, or as much of it as possible.....

Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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10th Sep 12 at 20:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

some pics

few shots

Mine and joes idea from george on how to refill the gearbox oil

trackscotland livery mx5!

caterham ripping off its front suspension by hitting the tyres,you can hear the revs just die as joe has no 4th gear so was going from 3rd - 5th

My thoughts......

Thats me home from Croft

I had an interesting weekend to say the least

Left Aberdeen at 3am on Friday morning and got to Croft around 8:30am for sign on. On track at 09:30. Spun on the first lap at the chicane, it came alot quicker than I was expecting (I wasnt really looking forward and just saw the tyre stacks and lifted suddenly....weeeee

A few offs later and 13 laps I set a 1:35.7 lap. Low boost, 3yr old tyres and still no real idea on the track (first ever time at Croft!). Last laps were with a slight feeling in the front like a flat spotted tyre. Def speed related. Car handled like shite but was easy to drift round corners with trail braking on the way in. I just couldnt get it turned in to the second last corner so sideways in the get the nose in seemed the only way

Jacked the car up and spun the wheels up, swapped tyres round front/rear and went out for 2nd session. Still there Only did 4 laps

Back to the pits and more headscratching, nothing 'felt' loose or binding... I had a suspicion that the front diff was heading out so went out again after adjusting the front toe (one wheel NS Front, was way out!).

3rd session - Handling was better BUT the braking was really bad :S A few big offs later and a horrible metalic grinding from the front I was back into the pits. The front NS disc was hitting the caliper at both sides... the hub bearing was completly shagged.

Nursed it back to the paddock and began phoning round for fixes. Managed to find a new bearing, and a second hand hub with bearing already in. I went for the later option - BUT couldnt get the bloody drive shaft nut off. I was hanging off a 3ft breaker bar and it wasnt budging Took the car to AS Performance (who had the hub) and borrowed the use of a scaffolding pole over a breaker bar - job done. Back the circuit for 17:30 and begain stripping off the old hub, swapping over wheel studs etc etc. Done by 7pm and completly shattered

Thanks to Alyn at AS Performance, Joe and Andy for the help and the various other (vecra guy, Dave with the saxe, dave with the 968) for tools and banter

Saturday.... signed on, bleded the brakes, swapped to the new tyres and lined up for qualy.

Did an out lap... tyres, handling and grip was MUCH better and the car felt great so went for a decent lap on the first flyer. A bit slower into the first corner due to passing another car but flat through the chicane in 3rd and up to aprox 120mph before tower and getting a bit slowed by another car on the apex. Held 4th through the Esses this time passing another car so the line into the first was a bit iffy, taking them at an indicated 108mph and up into 5th for the kink before Sunny In and hmmm, the car just didnt feel right - flat, and oil light blinking - cut the power and coasted off the track. Game over

It doesnt sound like any of the previous oil starvation / spun bearings we've had in the past, but its got bugger all oil pressure and rough as shit idle - no 'knock' though.

The aborted half lap was slightly faster than my 1:35.7 lap for test session 1..... Good enough to be half a sec clear on pole for the race.

Gutted doesnt quite describe it Will post up some VBOX logs.

My VBOX geek data

spot the excursions

Off at Clervaux/Hawthorn, off at Chicane, off at Sunny In (a few times), and off at Complex (round the outside of the tyre stack )

Speed v Distance - 4 laps of the section I completed in Qualy.... I was a tenth (0.1) up before coasting off the track. Qualy (engine failure lap) is red, and the 1:35 lap is blue.

same data but Speed V Time

Some complete laps.... only 1 real flying lap - the 1:35 (black). Speed vs Position with Lap Delta displayed for other laps using 1:35 as datum.

same speed vs time


Registered: 12th Feb 06
Location: Horsforth, West Yorkshire
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11th Sep 12 at 17:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Shame about the engine trouble.

Sounds like you'd be doing some good times.

That's my mates dads Evo you got some pics of, with 35 on the side. He touches 145 before tower

Registered: 5th Jul 00
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11th Sep 12 at 18:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Must have a fair amount of power then

Registered: 12th Feb 06
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12th Sep 12 at 12:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yup. 640 on low boost, 740 on high.

Quick vid of his start from 4th on grid to 1st
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12th Sep 12 at 13:39   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Im planning on going to croft on the 13th oct. Hope its decent weather. Lol

Registered: 5th Jul 00
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12th Sep 12 at 15:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

some more VBOX stuff


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12th Sep 12 at 16:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

one thing I notice from my traces is the reduced braking force into Sunny In any harder and I'd struggle keep it pointing straight, any earlier and I'd be gay, and when I tried later and harder this happened (a few times )

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