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Author Temptation...

Registered: 12th Oct 05
Location: Scotland
User status: Offline
2nd Sep 12 at 00:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Iv always been one for function over form and wanted to keep a car driveable / usable. Especially staying in Scotland and living near alot of backroads but seeing these pictures earlier on has really started to sway me a little....

Never been big into the VW stance scene and all that shite. I had planned going for a decat air filter and remap for the golf or do I sack that off and go coilovers and a set of rota grid drifts? Would have to be on its arse though and dont know If I can be bothered having to think twice about going into a car park or over a speed bump or even more so up a farm road or dirt track which is where I usually end up
Theres an R32 in Aberdeen with a set of TVR wheels and it looks spot on

edit: does that pics work for anyone else? Works internet blocks photobucket and the likes so dont know if they worked?

[Edited on 02-09-2012 by Mertin]

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