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Author Bloody Sky

Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Luton, Drives Corsa C 1.4 SRI
User status: Offline
   1st May 03 at 10:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The letter that comes with my monthly sky magazine said that if i get a second subscription for 15 quid a month, I can have Sky+ and don't have to pay the normal extra 10 quid a month, all I have to do is buy the Sky+ box and pay £30 for installation, bargain I thought, so i convinced my brother to pay me 15 quid a month and a further 15 quid for half of the installation so he can have Sky in his room! So I phoned em up on Monday and sorted it all out, and the guy looked to see when it can be done and he said "Actually, we can do that this Thursday for you" great I thought, so I got the usual it will be between 9 and 5 but the engineer will call me on the day to let me know what time! So I got up this morning and started waiting...... The postie arrived with a letter from Sky, ok this must be the 2nd viewing card I thought and opened it, but no, to my horror it was a confirmation letter thanking me for joining Sky (been with them for nearly 2 years now) and saying that my NEW installation will be on 8/5/03 which is next Thursday, when I'm going rally driving at Silverstone!!!

So I got onto the phone to Sky and the women apologised and told me that it has always been booked for next thursday and can't understand why I was told it would be today, and that he must of got confused!!! So I said I can't do next Thursday, can it be done sooner, seeing that they had inconvenienced me, so she said that the earliest they can do it is next Thursday and after that its Friday!! So I said I guess I have no choice really and hung up!

What a bloody farce, its not the fact that I was told the wrong day that pisses me off, its more that I had to get up early!!! Never mind, guess I'll have to tape stuff on normal VHS for another week!!!

Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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1st May 03 at 10:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

the thing with sky is once they get u to subscribe they dont really care
Premium Member


Registered: 16th Dec 02
Location: Manchester
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1st May 03 at 10:37   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

5KY 0WN5 J00!

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