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Author Diesel Warm Starting Issue?

Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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18th Oct 12 at 17:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Got a 2l Dti astra mk4 (Y20DTH engine code) on a Y plate, 2001.

On a cold morning having been sat 12+hours overnight it starts perfectly, yet sitting for 8 hours in works car park it struggles to start, this afternoon it turned itself over probably 7 or 8 times and when it did finally start the ash cloud that came out the exhaust could've shut Europe down for a week.

My question is, am I not driving it hard enough in the morning to clear all the soot out? Gave it a bit of a kicking on the way home to try and clean it up a bit but it's been like this for over 6 months now. It had new glow plugs when I bought it 5 years ago because one of them was on the blink but in the afternoon the light doesnt even come on so cant be that?

Any ideas?!

Registered: 26th Feb 01
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18th Oct 12 at 17:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Failing coolant temp sensors often cause warm starting issues.
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Registered: 22nd Apr 02
Location: Gorleston on Sea, Norfolk
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18th Oct 12 at 18:45   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Probably glow plugs again, could be battery getting weak, and not turning it over very fast anymore.

Loads of things, but id say glow plug issue

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Registered: 30th Sep 05
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18th Oct 12 at 18:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

have the leak off pipes been changed?
Rob E

Registered: 1st Jan 06
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18th Oct 12 at 22:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

injector leak off pipes

Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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19th Oct 12 at 05:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It's had nothing done to it unless it needs it doing because it will fail an MOT or wont start, apart from oil service every 6 months, so probably not. With it being so old I dont want to pile money into sensors / leak off pipes if it isnt going to really solve the problem, how big a job are the pipes? I know a sensor will be fairly pricey and I wont be doing any of it myself

Registered: 26th Feb 01
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19th Oct 12 at 10:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I doubt the sensor will be pricey, if its anything like VAG ones £10-15 and a 5 minute job.

Rob E

Registered: 1st Jan 06
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19th Oct 12 at 14:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

leak of pipes are a piece of piss. There are a 10-15 minute job to change. You buy a length of pipe from Vauxhall, cut it to size and remove/replace the old lines. They are just under the plastic cover that sits on top of the engine and you will need a pair of needle nose pliers to remove and refit the pipe. Its very common for these pipes to perish and let air into the system. Also, as you have mentioned you only change the oil then I would advise a new fuel filter too you tight git! This can cause reduced fuel flow.

If none of the above sort your problem then other possibilities that I experienced when working on the spanners for Vauxhall were injector seals gone, battery is past its best and cant supply ample current when the battery is cranking and tired/worn out starter motor.

I would try leak off pipe, then a battery, then if these dont work then your going to have to spend some cash having the injector seals or starter motor done

Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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19th Oct 12 at 15:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Sorry had all filters done couple of months back but since I had bought it I had neglected the air and fuel filters

Thanks for the suggestions ill look into it on Sunday when I'm back at home

Registered: 26th Feb 01
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19th Oct 12 at 16:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If the battery is at fault would it not struggle to start when it's cold as well though, rather than just hot starts?

Registered: 10th Sep 03
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19th Oct 12 at 17:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Mine did that, had a fucked EGR valve. Diesel engines are so complicated now there could be loads of things causing it to start in a plume of smoke.
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Registered: 22nd Apr 02
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20th Oct 12 at 19:03   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dave
If the battery is at fault would it not struggle to start when it's cold as well though, rather than just hot starts?

Not always, if its warm, itll start much easier, so you wouldnt notice unless it was very poor.

Id say sitting for 12 hours and starting first time on the drive, eliminates drain back, which i assume the common fault with leakoff pipes causes. Id also rule out injector seals, and alot of sensors.

If its starting when cold first thing in morning, i cant see any reason for it not to start after just 8 hours? Have you worded that right?

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Registered: 9th Aug 06
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21st Oct 12 at 10:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I know it sounds weird, but it starts perfect first thing in the morning, drive the 7 or so miles to work (a potential issue in itself but its been doing it fine for the last 5 years) and then 8 hours later when its been sat in the sun it will turn and turn and turn and jump into life. Doesn't do it all the time either, sometimes it starts first time after sitting as well, but just lately I've noticed it taking longer and then the other day I gassed one of the girls from the office as she went past and got a funny look, like I had done it on purpose

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