Registered: 14th Sep 10
Location: Eastbourne, BN23 7AZ
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Has anyone used one before? Thinking of buying one any info will be great 
Thinking of this one,
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Registered: 27th Mar 04
Location: Ellesmere Port, Cheshire
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what are you going to be blasting?
minimum 60psi. bit high that really
Registered: 14th Sep 10
Location: Eastbourne, BN23 7AZ
User status: Offline
All sorts if it could get the paint from in my engine bay off it'd be great but for majority of parts on my nova. Id be using a big compressor
[Edited on 20-10-2012 by Sean]
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Registered: 27th Mar 04
Location: Ellesmere Port, Cheshire
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depends on the media you are using, you dont want anything too coarse otherwise it will either eat through the metal or make it look very rough
Registered: 30th Jun 08
Location: Peterborough
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A shot blaster worth having needs quite a compressor to keep up with it. We rented a beasty one to do my mates mk1 escort, came with its own huge diesel powered compressor.
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Registered: 20th May 12
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as said you will need a fine grade blast grit and a very high cfm air compessor. be warned the grit will go every where and make a huge mess. also it needs to be dry weather or you will trap moister when you paint it and end up with rusr spots. i used to do blasting at my last job preping machines for paint, compressor had a 35kw motor! you thought of taking it to be blasted? may work out cheeper?
Registered: 15th Oct 09
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I wouldnt bother with that one as you`ll need alot of pressure and cfm to use it.Buy one of the ones that keeps the pressure in itself,if you know what i mean? Just search ebay or machine mart do them.
They need less pressure and will work at a lower pressure too.
Make sure you put acouple of water traps in the line from the compressor and also drain the compressor before use.
Registered: 29th Jul 07
Location: Warley, West Midlands
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I was looking at the sealey ones, im making a pressured one instead out of a gas bottle.
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Registered: 27th Mar 04
Location: Ellesmere Port, Cheshire
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guarantee that one will pump out shit loads of media too
if you are buying one try to get one with an adjustable feed
Registered: 14th Sep 10
Location: Eastbourne, BN23 7AZ
User status: Offline
Can't make my mind up lol, I'm going round to the local shot blasters tomorrow to get a price for engine bay then ill make my mind up
Registered: 30th Jun 08
Location: Peterborough
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Try your local coach works too, I had the underneath done on mine for a crate of beer lol!
Registered: 18th Dec 11
Location: Peterborough
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quote: Originally posted by gazza808
Try your local coach works too, I had the underneath done on mine for a crate of beer lol!
Where was that at mate?
Registered: 21st Apr 10
Location: Hexham, Northumberland
User status: Offline
i have used one exactly like that, and tbh its pritty good. 60psi mite seem alot but bare in mind its got to suck the sand/ or what ever you use up that pipe and still have enough wind to blast paint off.
also the different nozels mean you can fan the material out so its not so direct and harsh. and as for eating through the metal? its not rocket science just keep the gun further from the metal or change the nozel to a bigger one.
be warned they do make a hell of a mess and you will need to be able to collect the material up again because you will be suprised how much it uses.