Registered: 7th Jun 12
Location: Wirral/ Chester Corsa b 1.6 8v, Vectra b 1.8
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Right, so between me (an idiot) my uncle (mechanic) and my cousin (mechanic). we can not for the life of us figure out why it wont start.
its a post 97 corsa breeze 1.2 8v.
I'll go from the top,
it turns over fine,
it sparks fine,
fuel is being pumped fine,
the battery is very much alive,
it has enough oil
it has enough coolant.
but no start also tried bumping it to no result. does anyone have any ideas? any help is much appreciated.
Registered: 7th Jun 12
Location: Wirral/ Chester Corsa b 1.6 8v, Vectra b 1.8
User status: Offline
also worth mentioning that when it was working, if it started when it was either cold or wet outside it only fired on 3 cylinders until it warmed up, even with new spark plugs.
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was anything done prior to it being a non-starter?
Registered: 7th Jun 12
Location: Wirral/ Chester Corsa b 1.6 8v, Vectra b 1.8
User status: Offline
engine wise nothing major, new water pump a few months back and a halfords ripspeed air filter put on but its been starting dodgey way before that and a japspeed backbox, thats it.
Registered: 13th Apr 08
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Stupid idea here, but is the timing belt still intact?? And have you checked to make sure the camshaft hasn't snapped?
Registered: 7th Jun 12
Location: Wirral/ Chester Corsa b 1.6 8v, Vectra b 1.8
User status: Offline
I had the timing belt thought too thankfully it was fine. not checked the cam shaft though. will have a look later, im towing it to my uncles garage tonight, this was a last ditch effort to save some pennies
Registered: 7th Feb 08
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without sounding like a cunt, if 2 'mechanics' cant figure it out i find it hard to believe the internet will 
Are all 4 plugs sparking? Leads on in correct order?
Tried reading for any fault codes?
Crank sensor ok?
theres not alot to the 8v engines
Registered: 7th Jun 12
Location: Wirral/ Chester Corsa b 1.6 8v, Vectra b 1.8
User status: Offline
i know thats the ball ache part of this weve spent ages just guessing, there is nothing that seems wrong, it as if it just doesnt want to start. im thinking its time to put project power under way and source a c20seh.
Registered: 21st Oct 02
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Have you put petrol in 
Registered: 7th Jun 12
Location: Wirral/ Chester Corsa b 1.6 8v, Vectra b 1.8
User status: Offline
pmsl you know funnily enough thats what my mum said. yes...yes i have
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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good ol mum
Registered: 7th Jun 12
Location: Wirral/ Chester Corsa b 1.6 8v, Vectra b 1.8
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quote: Originally posted by MatthewR
good ol mum
gotta love mums haha
Registered: 12th Dec 07
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As mentioned I would check that spark plugs and leads are all fine and (leads) in correct order.
Or crank sensor / flywheel sensor (if applicable)?
1L Nick
Registered: 11th Apr 12
Location: Stafford, Staffordshire
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mate had this on his 1.6 8v an it was 'idle speed control valve'
Registered: 7th Jun 12
Location: Wirral/ Chester Corsa b 1.6 8v, Vectra b 1.8
User status: Offline
idle valve sounds about right actually, but dont fancy trying to pull it apart on the road, been kicked off my drive to fit my mums new scooby on we'll see later on at the garage
Registered: 7th Jun 12
Location: Wirral/ Chester Corsa b 1.6 8v, Vectra b 1.8
User status: Offline
swill: im hoping for it to be a sensor, at least thats easy lol
1L Nick
Registered: 11th Apr 12
Location: Stafford, Staffordshire
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see if it works if it dont u2u me an ill ask my mate wat he did next
Registered: 7th Jun 12
Location: Wirral/ Chester Corsa b 1.6 8v, Vectra b 1.8
User status: Offline
sound cheers, ill update here later on if anything gets done, probably wont be for a few days yet though, its a side job for my uncle as it isnt booked in just kinda there if they get time
Registered: 12th Nov 10
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If fuel is pumping through then id be checking the crank sensor next.
Darryl H
Organiser: South Central Premium Member
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I would have said crank sensor but it is getting a spark
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pics of mum
Registered: 7th Jun 12
Location: Wirral/ Chester Corsa b 1.6 8v, Vectra b 1.8
User status: Offline
Darryl: i have no idea about these things haha cosmetics are my thing, engines hurt my head.
flybikeslee: i can imagine the conversation now, "mum can i take your picture, some men on the internet want to see you" haha
Registered: 7th Feb 08
Location: Plymouth
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quote: Originally posted by CORSAguy93
"mum can i take your picture, some men on the internet want to see you"
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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quote: Originally posted by flybikeslee
pics of mum
Registered: 7th Jun 12
Location: Wirral/ Chester Corsa b 1.6 8v, Vectra b 1.8
User status: Offline
this is precisely why i love cs, when all hope is lost, have a laugh. 