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Author dewiper grommet and cleaning advice needed

Registered: 9th May 12
Location: Luton
User status: Offline
   15th Feb 13 at 21:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

need some quick advice on cleaning and such

i'm packing my car away in the garage and getting it covered up, before I let it sleep I am going to clean it up.

the car sits in the garage where there is a shite tonne of brick dust laying on the car.. i never have cleaned a car properly just always washed it with water and that would be it. anyway i have a list in order of how ill be cleaning the car.

order of what ill be doing.

Clean car with car shampoo
Clay Bar the car
Cutting compound

I don't know if that's the correct order, please correct me if i am wrong

also wondering if a 25mm blanking grommet will be able to straight fit for vauxhall corsa B?

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