Registered: 25th Apr 02
Location: SE London
User status: Offline
...I was quite pleasantly suprised. I knew power would be well down on what it was due to getting rid of my ported and polished cylinder head and cams but it is driving the best it has ever done. Power delivery feels alot smoother than before, okay there is less of it but its alot more even and less patchy. Torque is more matched to the cars bhp unlike before and the fuel economy is also alot better. On the rolling road it came up as 142bhp and 122 ib/ft of torque so is should feel alot slower but if anything I think it feels more nippy around town at low revs. Just feels less eager at high revs. So have gone down from 170bhp to 142bhp but am happy! 
Think I'm gonna keep it at this spec and concentrate on getting the bodywork sorted. Thats been a bit neglected over the last year! Anyone seeing my masking tape would understand why! 
I'm still happy with 142bhp though, got a 15.849 @ 88mph at the pod with that spec.