Registered: 19th Dec 02
Location: At Work, Birmingham
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My boss set off well early today to get to Liverpool for a meeting, have a guess where he is now, Essex! What a complete knob! Does ne1 know how far it is from essex to Birmingham as he is on his way back and need to know how long ive got b4 he gets back so I can stay online.????
Registered: 9th Jun 02
Location: Scunny
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fcukin hours mate!! depends which way he goes and how fast he goes really
Gary Reece
Registered: 7th Jan 01
Location: North Wales
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must be a tit if he ended up in essex trying to get to liverpool! does he know the difference between southbound M6 and northbound M6??!!
Registered: 19th Dec 02
Location: At Work, Birmingham
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i know what a tw@ well at least i can stay online longer, Cheers boss!
Phil Hall
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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Moderator Premium Member
Registered: 24th Dec 99
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This man is your boss? Jesus Christ! 
Site Administrator
Registered: 21st Apr 00
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Birmingham I've done from Hertfordshire in about 45 minutes at 3am with no traffic.... So double that to get to Essex at 3am, then double it all cos it's 11am
Registered: 1st Jun 01
Location: Kent (bluewater)
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looking at an about 1 1/2 hours mate, i do that run once a month
Registered: 4th Mar 01
Location: lurkin' somewhere........................
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What sign posts did he follow
Moderator Premium Member
Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
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Maybe he wasn't very good at geography at school?