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Author an evening of waxing.. Angel Wax 'Drift'.. for White cars.

Registered: 12th Aug 02
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29th Oct 13 at 06:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I bought some of this last week

I've already got AngelWax's Bilberry Alloy wheel cleaner and their QED detailing spray so know how good their stuff is already... I purchased these from the Wax Stock Show at Peterborough last year.

It designed for white cars and has a property to remove slight skate makes in your paint work... so they say

So yesterday I snow foamed my car, washed, clay bar'd and re washed.. micro fibred towel dried.. then get my car back in my garage before the rains came.

My idea is that I can spend an hour or so waxing a panel at a time in the dry

so tonight was my first hour... all I did was the bonnet, two wings and the bumper. All done by hand.

applied wax

polished off...

Bonnet polished , wing waiting to be wax/polished.

all front end now polished up

Conclusion: So far so good. It's a quality wax and you can tell when you apply it it's not the stuff that will be washed off after a couple of car washes. Applying it, it feels greasy (that'll be the wax then lol ). Polishing off isn't the easiest wax I've had to polished off, but it does feel really nice to the touch when you feel what's been done.

Proof of how good my car will look will be when all the car's all done and I get it back outside to see how she looks.. and how she beads up when it rains

ps: I now want a electric polisher to make it a bit easier to wax my car

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