Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
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Whats your thoughts on this? I think, judging from the video only, the old guy deserved a few punches back but the knee was too much.
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Judging by this clip alone that was extremely excessive.
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You fight to win. What if the young bloke didn't knock him out then the man stabbed him?
He deserved it judging by that clip
Registered: 23rd Sep 05
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Just another day in London. Everyone is angry and hates everyone else.
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
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quote: Originally posted by JonnyJ
Just another day in London. Everyone is angry and hates everyone else.
So very true some guy full beamed me this morning because he was in the right lane at a roundabout and wanted to go straight up, but I was in the left lane so he couldn't get in before me. He then sat quietly behind me until the traffic cleared, then overtook giving it all the billy big bollocks
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Registered: 8th Jul 03
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you should only use as much force as is necessary to stop your attacker from doing damage to you..
if it took a knockout to stop him.. a knockout he will receive..
a question tho...
an old man is probably as vulnerable as a woman.. if that was a woman and the guy retaliated in the same way.. it would be a whole different story
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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Vulnerable? Plenty of old blokes in the mafia who will gladyl cut your balls off.
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you kow what i mean tho.. apart from the odd few.. most elderly people are vulnerable
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
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Looks can be deceiving.
Registered: 23rd Oct 02
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Didn't look vulnerable or defenceless when he was smacking the lad round the head and then taking shots at his bollocks.
Start a fight be prepared to be hit back, got what he deserved
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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the thing is we don't know why the old guy was hitting him?
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
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The old guys paper kept going over the young guys ipad, according to the Internet.
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"Kept going over"??
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Providing there was not a good enough reason for the old man hitting him... I have to say im on the young lads side. He didnt stop when he seen the lad stand up and tried a quick bollock shot. Got all he deserved
Registered: 11th Nov 02
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Fuck off did he, he stopped the old guy, then carried on when he had given up the fight and kneed him in the face. He should get done for it (I think... he was provoked but went way too far, ABH is the lesser of that and GBH isn't it?)
[Edited on 30-04-2014 by Cavey]
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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I think the video needs more racism.
Registered: 17th May 04
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after the low blows fuck it every man for him self imo. knee was a little much tho
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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Wouldn't happen up north.
No one can afford an ipad.
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Why does no-one ever catch the start of these things. That could be completely justified or completely unjustified without the 10 seconds before it.
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Low blow was a bit uncalled for. Every man must feel for him there.
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
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quote: Originally posted by John
Why does no-one ever catch the start of these things.
Probably because they dont know its going to happen
Registered: 7th Jul 09
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Deserved it, young guy held off for a long time before retaliating to a man that wouldn't stop punching him
Registered: 30th Jun 06
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Old bloke deserved it, that knock to the balls proper got the lad. Love how someone shouts "punch him" and the guy trying to stop it says "what you mean pu" Boom! elbow goes in and the old cunt gets it.
[Edited on 30-04-2014 by Wrighty_1988]
Registered: 9th Aug 04
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i think the knee to the face at the end was fucking brilliant.
Without getting too deep, i think this video can be symbolic of life. Many of us have things digging away at us looking for a reaction or surrender. The old ish looking man in this case felt the wrath of retaliation rather than surrender.
I'll be disappointed if the black man gets anything other than a warning from the Police about his conduct.
Registered: 9th Nov 07
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[Quote]Originally posted by Generation
Deserved it, young guy held off for a long time before retaliating to a man that wouldn't stop punching him
I agree with you, it could be argued that it was a bit excessive but the old man had already shown he wouldn't back down. Imagine you're sitting on a train and for whatever reason some old guy starts punching you on the side of the head. As far as the video shows its the old man who starts throwing punches. If we can assume that was the point it got physical, no matter how much abuse has been given by either party, he threw the first punch. Even when the young guy looks like he's trying to be the bigger man and walk away, the cunt's still batting at him.
I don't know about anyone else but I know that there's a chance I'll come off worse for wear than the other guy if I hit him first. The old guy took this chance and it did not end well for him.