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Author Covid-19 - medical aspects

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18th Mar 20 at 21:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Can you catch this from Semen? asking for a friend.

[Edited on 17-04-2020 by SetH]
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18th Mar 20 at 22:10   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If you can fire it more than 2m you might be OK?

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19th Mar 20 at 21:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ian
If you can fire it more than 2m you might be OK?

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22nd Mar 20 at 00:09   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Always interesting to see threads in a historical context, Bitcoin was an interesting one because you can see people saying its a shit idea and you can see who got behind it and see how their positions panned out.

Its a shame its mostly on Facebook because it doesn't lend itself to the chronology so much but there will definitely people who come out having been right and some who were dangerously wrong.

Interested to see how people feel about how bad its going to get. Saw a stat today that the UK deaths are following Italy with within +/- a few people if you treat the UK as being delayed by 14 days. Meaning in two weeks it'll be thousands.

Hopefully the UK is somehow different but I fear its not.
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22nd Mar 20 at 18:36   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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23rd Mar 20 at 15:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You can all stop panicking, my neighbour has reassured me that it is all "a load of rubbish" as she put it..

Apparently the top 1% are crashing the economy so they can buy all of the farms to control us.. ..oh and all of the dead people, well according to her they all have had the Flu vaccine and that is what's killing them - the poison is activated by the aluminium nitrate that the planes are spraying on us.

Yes she is CLASS A MENTAL and yes she told me this from about 2 meters away..

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23rd Mar 20 at 18:44   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Sadly these people exist.
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29th Mar 20 at 10:54   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Agree with Ian I quite like looking back at relevant topics to see what was going on at the time with people's opinions etc. Unfortunately as said unless it happens to pick up under Facebook memories there is no easy way to come accross the again on Facebook.
I don't buy any of the conspiracy theories floating around online but I do enjoy reading them would be very interesting if they can trace back the origional source and patient zero though.
How the world pans out when this is over will be very interesting too in terms of economy and world relations. I see Iran is already pointing fingers at the USA

I have worked for the NHS for over 12 years now at our local hospital and have never seen anything remotely close to this. Occasionally we run through contingency plans for a local serious event or simular. However they always revolve around something like a terror attack or simular with a known outcome/treatment plan. Biggest problem with this current pandemic is the unknown. All we can do is treat symptoms and have a rolling plan based on incoming data. Every day last week you can see a marked change in what was coming through the front doors.
I am not at work this weekend and fully expect chaos tomorrow as everything was put in place Friday with the thinking shit will hit the fan from this weekend.
Eye opening on a personal level on Friday as I was covering the ward we have set up for covid positive patients that are end of life that are getting no treatment. Not a nice thing to see and possibly just as bad for the relatives stuck away and unable to see them :-(
This is the kind of thing you want to get across to the few still not taking this seriously enough.

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29th Mar 20 at 18:18   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Is the no treatment thing normal procedure or are you already doing things differently in anticipation of what is coming?

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30th Mar 20 at 10:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by gavin18787
Agree with Ian I quite like looking back at relevant topics to see what was going on at the time with people's opinions etc. Unfortunately as said unless it happens to pick up under Facebook memories there is no easy way to come accross the again on Facebook.
I don't buy any of the conspiracy theories floating around online but I do enjoy reading them would be very interesting if they can trace back the origional source and patient zero though.
How the world pans out when this is over will be very interesting too in terms of economy and world relations. I see Iran is already pointing fingers at the USA

I have worked for the NHS for over 12 years now at our local hospital and have never seen anything remotely close to this. Occasionally we run through contingency plans for a local serious event or simular. However they always revolve around something like a terror attack or simular with a known outcome/treatment plan. Biggest problem with this current pandemic is the unknown. All we can do is treat symptoms and have a rolling plan based on incoming data. Every day last week you can see a marked change in what was coming through the front doors.
I am not at work this weekend and fully expect chaos tomorrow as everything was put in place Friday with the thinking shit will hit the fan from this weekend.
Eye opening on a personal level on Friday as I was covering the ward we have set up for covid positive patients that are end of life that are getting no treatment. Not a nice thing to see and possibly just as bad for the relatives stuck away and unable to see them :-(
This is the kind of thing you want to get across to the few still not taking this seriously enough.

Thank you for sharing, it's good to get information from someone on the front lines rather then relying on what Sky News and the BBC are broadcasting. I won't go into that here but some of the reporting by Sky News is questionable IMHO.

One of my friends partner is a Nurse and he said that she has been doing 14 hour shifts, sweating her arse off in a hazmat suit. Although at the University hospital in Norwich I heard there were only 5 cases, probably gone up now.

There are rumours all over social media that most hospitals are not any busier than a Saturday night right now. I have no idea if there is any truth in that.

There was a video on you tube of a german journalist that went to a hospital that was meant to be 'teeming with Covid-19 patients' but when he arrived no one was there. Also on the same video there were esteemed German doctors and specialists debunking the official narrative. I did not get to see this Video as it was deleted by the elite controlled powers of You Tube. Again no idea if there was any truth in this but with current trends on You Tube the fact it was deleted is a huge red flag to me.

Anything you are able to share (that's if you are permitted, or even want to) would be appreciated as its hard to discern facts from hysteria and/or fake news right now.

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30th Mar 20 at 12:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by SetH

There are rumours all over social media that most hospitals are not any busier than a Saturday night right now. I have no idea if there is any truth in that.


to be fair thanks to a over a decade of underfunding on your average Saturday night our UK hospitals are already running at pretty much capacity.

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30th Mar 20 at 14:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DaveyLC
Originally posted by SetH

There are rumours all over social media that most hospitals are not any busier than a Saturday night right now. I have no idea if there is any truth in that.


to be fair thanks to a over a decade of underfunding on your average Saturday night our UK hospitals are already running at pretty much capacity.

So the 'usual Saturday night' is running at capacity then?

I guess the measures to stand up temporary hospitals and recall retired NHS workers is a good move. Although a move that would not have been needed if they had not spent 10 years decimating the NHS. Although we are where we are, let's hope it's not needed but best to be ready I guess. I take my hat off to frontline NHS staff right now.
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31st Mar 20 at 19:41   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What's the claim? That the numbers of sick and dead or too high?

I don't think you could take one video from one ward on one night, unverified as to when it was filmed etc. and base your view on that.

Also tell me how you'd co-ordinate loads of countries all saying similar things, coming up with similar reproductions numbers, mortality rates etc.

Either every government in the world is co-ordinating the message or the data actually doesn't lie and people are comparably susceptible wherever they come from.

Also for every video showing an empty ward there are plenty (still available and more coming) showing places overrun. Also 54 doctors dead in Italy, apparently 3 in the UK unverified, what have they died of?

I'm all for examining conspiracy but faking a pandemic is surely more difficult than melting steel beams.

Think how many people would need to be in on it?

No shortage of it on Facebook, even to the point that the virus is man made. Which if you listen to what epidemiologists have been saying for years even before the shit hit the fan you'd not even bother making in a lab - the conditions for zoonotic transfer are so perfect you'd not bother trying to manufacture it, it would have been along soon anyway.

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31st Mar 20 at 23:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I never got to see the video, I wish I did as I like to scrutinise all sources and form my own opinion. the powers at your tube denied me off that. perhaps someone somewhere managed to save and upload it.

I read an article on why the virus is most likely not man made, I can send you the link if you want as its a lot of detail. I took a Microbiology module as part of my degree so have a good understanding of the structure of viruses and the article convinced me that it was not man made. let me know if you want the link.

Every Government co-ordinating the message or the data actually doesn't lie. hmm that's a tough one to be honest. We will never get true figures from Russian, China or North Korea due to censorship and huge manipulation of the media. Western countries you'd like to lean towards believing the data.

When you tube deletes something (other then blatant hate, violence, racism type videos) etc its always a red flag for me and suspect AF.

I have recommended this video to everyone, and its a perspective worth listening to :

Professor Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, one of the most quoted and respected German scientists talks about Corona viruses and Covid 19 virus.

Sadly due to the times we live in I am going to have to put a disclaimer here. I am not flippant about the grave threat that this virus presents and I understand the seriousness of it. I also understand the repercussions of allowing the economy to die (having been of adult working age through 2 recessions and this will be worse than anything ever seen and will in itself cause suffering and deaths for millions) but that is a whole thread on its own.

[Edited on 31-03-2020 by SetH]
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1st Apr 20 at 00:40   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I don't think its man made, I'm talking about some people on Facebook think its a conspiracy to get us used to being less free.

I need to watch that Bhakdi video, been cited a few times, Peter Hitchens also championing it as the reasonable alternative to lockdown.

I do think lockdown is quite a hammer:nut scenario but without testing what can you do? Be nice to see whether infected people are and isolate only near them. And stop people going on fucking massive bike rides.

That and antibody testing. I think the two tests will be the way out and until they're available en mass then its just trying not to fuck the economy too much while also not killing doctors. The narrative for old people is already they were due soon anyway which however incorrect is palatable to the public. Health care workers though, you can't really say they were unfit / comorbid / due if a month earlier they were fully fit and on the front line of the medical profession so that's where the narrative is tested.
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1st Apr 20 at 00:42   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

These nobheads need to buy a tripod, I can tell you that already.
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1st Apr 20 at 01:02   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

2:38 Northern Italy is the China of Europe - wow

4:46 his stats indicate 10k infected, 60 critical, 30 dead but surely there is some latent mortality there from that set? Those are the sorts of conclusions that you could only draw afterwards when ever case has run its full course. Or in the least some more time after it started. Even in the comorbid old people they are still living two weeks after onset of symptoms. You just can't compare case on day A and dead on day A and form your percentage from that, makes no sense.

I'm very sceptical. Firstly that the Italian situation is only so bad because they have air pollution. The UK curve follows Italy almost exactly if you align the cases. Do we have air pollution too? What does he think will happen to our curve? Do Spain and Iran have air pollution?

Also take a watch of this -

One infected resident of a care home infected the other hundred residents and killed 30 of them.

Are we to suggest that those 30 deaths would have happened anyway because the old people were all about due and had other factors? I've never known 50% of an entire care home needing hospital and one infection killing a quarter of the residents. Surely they'd be all over the news and shut down? The CQC would be aware I'm sure - or does it shock them because its absolutely unprecedented?

TLDR - his stats are questionable, his demographics he doesn't validate in any way - nor am I aware of any truth in it. Still not convinced.

[Edited on 01-04-2020 by Ian]
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1st Apr 20 at 01:16   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Also he compares it to other coronaviruses. Have others killed 50 doctors?

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1st Apr 20 at 08:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm in awe at the stupidity of people who are still dismissing this crisis as "fakenews"

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1st Apr 20 at 10:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ian, I am not sure of anything and I am not drawing any conclusions I am just presenting alternative perspectives to generate discussion because everyone else on SM are just bleating the official narrative without even stopping to think and social virtue signalling is off the scale. The errors you pointd out by bhakdi, well look at the governments advisor Neil Ferguson. He told us half a million were going to die in the UK, he prompted mass hysteria and people going out and panic buying chest freezers then emptying the supermarkets. He revised that figure to 20,000 and then 5,700. I guess this is a sign that no one really knows?

Interesting that the minutes of a crisis meeting have been leaked. A meeting that was held back in February where the government discussed the outbreak in china, the one death in Italy and that cruise ship at the height of its outbreak. They decided the threat to the UK was moderate. Fairly clear to me that they acted too late, have been playing catch up ever since and the lockdown could have possibly been prevented.

I understand where the tin foil experts are coming from with regards to the 1984 police state theories although they are being a tad extremist. Every crisis we have had the government has always sneaked in additional legislations which usually result in the loss of some of our liberties and freedoms, these compound over time. These are implemented under the guise of 'our safety', 'stop it happening again' etc, I won't go into detail here as the scope is vast but aftermath of 9/11, 7/7, London bridge 'stabbings', I don't acknowledge that as a 'terror attack'. A terror attack was bombs going of in the south of thailand due to islam extremists maiming and killing hundreds (this was going at the same time as the london bridge stabbings) anyway I digress. I'd just like to point out the financial aid packages released by the Chancellor and how he has stated that after this he will be raising self employed taxation and justified it by saying SE people are now getting employed benefits. I am sorry but that is sneaky as fuck and if Covid-19 had not happened I don't think this tax raise would have ever had a chance of getting through parliament, would have been rejected. Let's wait and see what other measures the Government implement on the back of this and you start to get the ingredients that feed the tin foil brigade.

Heavy handed policing is not helping, the extent to which it is happening I am unsure and not seen much reported but I expect it won't be. However, true story. I know a guy yesterday that had not left his house for an entire week, he ran out of squash and decided to drive 3 miles to the large Tesco in Norwich. He was pulled over by the police, fined £30 and told that 'squash' is not an essential food item. So WTF is an essential item? I have not seen a list published by the Government? This guy was obeying and had been in his house a whole week, he suffers from mental health problems and is not in a good way right now and he is having to deal with this treatment from the police. More fuel for tin foil brigade on erosions of freedom, I am not one of these people but I can see their perspective.

I know two nurses on the frontline, one messaged me this morning she said they are nowhere near capacity right now as because so many people are staying at home they have had a huge reduction in traffic allowing them to focus on the right patients. Hopefully hospitals will be able to manage in the UK unless this thing really blows up. Also keeping a close eye on Singapore (they never closed schools) and Sweden which are not locking down.

On the economy, well people started relaxing with the rally we saw last week on markets. I believe that to be a dead cat bounce if you go back and look at all the data over the last 90 years. The DOW and S&P500 futures lost nearly 3% over night after Trumps shaky press conference, be interesting to see what they open at today. The long term implications to millions if the economy is allowed to die are severe. Waiting to see the unemployment figures released for the UK, I expect the Government does not want much focus on them. 3.2 million in the USA was just the beginning.

I wonder if we will see a phased lifting of the lockdown in the near future? I can't see it being lifted overnight and I think places of high contagion risk such as gyms, bars etc may be the last places to open. I managed to get some gym kit for my garage as I can't seem gyms opening for some time until testing is in place. Agree entirely with your thoughts on testing, it really is key.

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1st Apr 20 at 10:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DaveyLC
I'm in awe at the stupidity of people who are still dismissing this crisis as "fakenews"

are people really doing that though?

I remember a couple of weeks ago some fat typical pissed up brit aboard in Spain was on camera casually saying 'well if you get sick, its just the flu innit'

I would not expect that thought process to still be going on 2 weeks later.

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1st Apr 20 at 10:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Facebook is filled with people adamant that there is no virus and stating this has all been caused by "5G" ..

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1st Apr 20 at 10:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DaveyLC
Facebook is filled with people adamant that there is no virus and stating this has all been caused by "5G" ..

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1st Apr 20 at 13:12   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ian
Is the no treatment thing normal procedure or are you already doing things differently in anticipation of what is coming?

No new or difficult decisions are yet been made on that kind of thing. This mainly is related to people with do not resuscitate documents filled etc. So standard procedure in that respect.
Just as they are all cohorted together it seems different/worse and the virus may have brought this end rather sooner then some planned.
Hardest thing really is the inability to have family present and as it has got into care homes and frail people's houses there are alot of related people on these wards. Currently a husband and wife which is terrible for them and the family left back at home

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1st Apr 20 at 13:20   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by SetH
Originally posted by gavin18787
Agree with Ian I quite like looking back at relevant topics to see what was going on at the time with people's opinions etc. Unfortunately as said unless it happens to pick up under Facebook memories there is no easy way to come accross the again on Facebook.
I don't buy any of the conspiracy theories floating around online but I do enjoy reading them would be very interesting if they can trace back the origional source and patient zero though.
How the world pans out when this is over will be very interesting too in terms of economy and world relations. I see Iran is already pointing fingers at the USA

I have worked for the NHS for over 12 years now at our local hospital and have never seen anything remotely close to this. Occasionally we run through contingency plans for a local serious event or simular. However they always revolve around something like a terror attack or simular with a known outcome/treatment plan. Biggest problem with this current pandemic is the unknown. All we can do is treat symptoms and have a rolling plan based on incoming data. Every day last week you can see a marked change in what was coming through the front doors.
I am not at work this weekend and fully expect chaos tomorrow as everything was put in place Friday with the thinking shit will hit the fan from this weekend.
Eye opening on a personal level on Friday as I was covering the ward we have set up for covid positive patients that are end of life that are getting no treatment. Not a nice thing to see and possibly just as bad for the relatives stuck away and unable to see them :-(
This is the kind of thing you want to get across to the few still not taking this seriously enough.

Thank you for sharing, it's good to get information from someone on the front lines rather then relying on what Sky News and the BBC are broadcasting. I won't go into that here but some of the reporting by Sky News is questionable IMHO.

One of my friends partner is a Nurse and he said that she has been doing 14 hour shifts, sweating her arse off in a hazmat suit. Although at the University hospital in Norwich I heard there were only 5 cases, probably gone up now.

There are rumours all over social media that most hospitals are not any busier than a Saturday night right now. I have no idea if there is any truth in that.

There was a video on you tube of a german journalist that went to a hospital that was meant to be 'teeming with Covid-19 patients' but when he arrived no one was there. Also on the same video there were esteemed German doctors and specialists debunking the official narrative. I did not get to see this Video as it was deleted by the elite controlled powers of You Tube. Again no idea if there was any truth in this but with current trends on You Tube the fact it was deleted is a huge red flag to me.

Anything you are able to share (that's if you are permitted, or even want to) would be appreciated as its hard to discern facts from hysteria and/or fake news right now.

If you was to walk into our hospital now you would think this as it looks like a ghost town.
Car park, corridors etc all empty and out patients closed.
This is only because all non essential stuff is closed and staff have been redeployed. Visiting also completely banned.
Critical areas and a+e as busy as ever. Half the hospital is in the process of been converted ready to accept COVID patients. New equipment, plumbed oxygen and drug supplies etc.
Quite a few empty beds at present but this won't last. Some also ear marked for London patients as they are full now from what I have heard.

However this crisis has highlighted how abused the NHS system is. All the usual repeat offenders etc have been no where to be seen as of late...

Drives supercharged Tec with torque

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