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Author Massive cruise this sat (24th)
Cruise Hastings

Registered: 6th Sep 01
Location: Hastings Area
User status: Offline
20th May 03 at 22:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Hi everyone,

I know its been a very long time since you heard from me last, i have taken abit of a break from cruising winter just gone SOE had a very busy year 02 with loads of our own cruises, helping other organisers with there's and as you all know the TBOB show which really was a mission to do but hey we got there in the end.

Ok as announced just after our first legal show/cruise (05 Oct) SOE would no longer be the organisers of the illegal scene mainly due to the way the police were coming down on organisers, but it still doesn't stop us using the old tallents of old skool SOE days to help others acheive the art of cruise organising.

Right the organisers of WAM cruises are good friends of mine so rest assured these guys know what there doing, WAM 1 which took place earlier in the year was a big success and the attendance was supprisingly large especially as it was a new cruise name and not had a reputation.
Now these boys and many other of the other top organisers in the south (sorry can't say who) have all got together for WAM 2 which is actually taking place this saturday the 24th.
The location is obviously not going to be given but beleive me its one of the best the south has to offer so all i can say is don't beleive anyone who here's a rumour of where its gonna be just join one of these convoys and follow! SIMPLE!
PLEASE READ: Oh yeah just before i give the timings the leader of each convoy will have there rear fog light on for the entire journey and will not travel over 60mph, the indication that the convoy is leaving is the blowing of horns, once you here them get in your motor head for the exit and just follow the person in front don't overtake it makes life very hard for a convoy leader if you keep over-taking beleive me follow these simple steps and everyone will get to the location safe and sound with no problems.

Convoy times:

Pease Pottage (crawley): Leaves @ 7:30

Thurrock Services (M25 Dartford Tunnel): Leaves @ 80

Clacket Lane (M25 Anti Clock-Wise): Leaves @ 80

The main contact email for this cruise is so any further info needed about smaller convoys ie; Brighton please contact them.

Right thats all from me for now so hope your all well make sure we make this cruise one to remeber and get spreading the word to ya mates cos this onewill be tops.
Oh yeah preperations for TBOB 2 should start shortly so keep your eye's posed for any news.

All the best
Kev ( SOE Crew )

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