Registered: 20th Nov 02
Location: St. Helens
User status: Offline
i might be getting a corsa 1.0 v reg for my first car its only a basic. 20k on the clock in very good condition. £2.750 is this any good.
Registered: 1st Apr 02
Location: Scotland Drives: 1.2 16v
User status: Offline
yeah sounds pretty reasonable....but my advice to you would be to look around the cars that come up for sale on this board, especially if you plan to modd the car. you can pick up a real bargain with loads of modds because there is a real limited market for which you can sell a modified car.
but if your keeping it pretty much standard then it sounds a good price...offer them 2500 cash and you should be laughing!
Registered: 24th Nov 02
User status: Offline
i got my 1.0 v reg for 2900 with 33k on clock, v good that is a bargain.
Registered: 3rd Apr 03
User status: Offline
i got my 1.2 16v 5 door club for £4200 with 25000 miles on it... i thought that was quite good.
psycho sport
Registered: 27th Mar 03
Location: Guildford Surrey Drives: Vauxhall Monaro
User status: Offline
got my 97 reg 1.4 16v for £2000 wiv only 30k on the clock!