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Author PGAC Scottish National Day
PGAC Events Scotland

Registered: 12th Jun 03
Location: Scotland
User status: Offline
13th Jun 03 at 10:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The Peugeot GTi Autosport would like to invite Corsa Sport to our Scottish National Day, in conjunction with Adrian Flux Insurance, on the 13th of July 2003 at the Grampian Transport Museum in Alford, Aberdeenshire.

On the day there will be a large number of standard and modified cars, trade stands and track action which you can be a part of!

The gates will open at 9am with signing on for the track from 10am and the track action starting at 10.30 am and running throughout the day.

Track places will be limited to a maximum of 50 vehicles so we suggest arriving early to avoid disappointment.

The museum, which is attached to the venue, is highly rated for the family to visit with something to interest every one including boy racers of 5 to 75!

Should you wish to run your own competitions during the day then feel free too! The PGAC will be running a track time competition with classes for Front, Rear and 4-wheel drive.

So come along and enjoy a day with the PGAC. Entry will be £5 per person at the gate with children under 14 free. Your car will be in the showground.

Numbers for each club will be limited to 30 cars, and membership cards for your club will need to be presented at the gate for access to the grounds with the car, otherwise you will just be treated as a member of the public.

Every entry to the show receives a FREE £25 voucher for Adrian Flux Insurance.

For directions and more information on the venue look at

On behalf of the PGAC we look forward to seeing you all there!

Please post here if you intend to visit the show.

For any further questions relating to the event please contact Findlay Leask, our Regional Leader and event organiser, on 07866 721439 or by email

Its going to be great!

Further information and details of local accommodation and camp sites please look at the events section on

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