Registered: 21st Nov 01
Location: gwent, south wales
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On 9th july2003 you were spoken to by police officers at the car park of kwik save Tredegaras the driver of a vehicle being used in a manner likely to cause alarm, distress or annoyance to members of the public and contray to section 34 of the road traffic act 1988.
I must warn you that if you continue to drive the vehicle in the same manner or any other vehicle in the same way on any other occasion, offers mat seize the vehicle under section 59 of the police reform act 2002. Once a vehicle under these powers, the owner has a period of 21 days in which to reclaim it, after which if it is not claimed, it can be disposed of. In order to reclaim a vehicle seized under these powers, the owner must pay an intial fee of £105 and £12 per day thereafter for each day of its rentention up to 21 days.
A record of this warning is being held at Tredegar for information of other officers who may have cause to speak to you under the same circumstances.
there it is folks, shit or wha.
Andy Stocker
Registered: 31st Aug 00
Location: Herts Drives: Porsche 911
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Yes their spelling is awful
Registered: 13th Nov 00
Location: Stevenage, MR2 Turbo, 328i Coupe, CBR600F
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What were you doing?
Registered: 21st Nov 01
Location: gwent, south wales
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parked up avin a chat
Registered: 13th Nov 00
Location: Stevenage, MR2 Turbo, 328i Coupe, CBR600F
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I just read that in the other post! Bunch of cocks they are. If its not some way to piss of a motorist the filth just aren't interested these days.
Registered: 21st Nov 01
Location: gwent, south wales
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fuck it im goin 2 c the inspector soon, complain all day, they make sumwhere for us to go far enuff untill then they arnt gonna stop us from hangin in the car park
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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i see old people sitting in car parks eating sandwiches,
Moderator Premium Member
Registered: 24th Dec 99
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I see people parking cars in car parks...
Andy Stocker
Registered: 31st Aug 00
Location: Herts Drives: Porsche 911
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I see dead people
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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i see dead people
Andy Stocker
Registered: 31st Aug 00
Location: Herts Drives: Porsche 911
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Registered: 27th Nov 00
Location: preston,Lancashire
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quote: Originally posted by DanielJ
parked up avin a chat
On 9th july2003 you were spoken to by police officers at the car park of kwik save Tredegaras the driver of a vehicle being used in a manner likely to cause alarm, distress or annoyance to members of the public and contray to section 34 of the road traffic act 1988.
I must warn you that if you continue to drive the vehicle in the same manner or any other vehicle in the same way on any other occasion, offers mat seize the vehicle under section 59 of the police reform act 2002
you say you was doing nothing but the letter states that you was,as it says above the police officer spoke to you about the way you was using your car,sorry but i can't see the police going threw that much trouble of sending you that letter if you was just chatting
then below that it says i must warn you if you continue to drive the vehicle in the same manner,well you say you was just parked up chattin 
sorry think theres more to it than your letting on 
but if there isn't then i hope you got the police officers badge number,cos if somthing like this happens again,when your just parked up chatting i would go and see the sargent at your local police station,with the officer involved badge number and report him for harrasment,my mate did this cos he was stopped for no reason 7 times in a week,he got a appology and hasn't been bothered by them since
Registered: 21st Nov 01
Location: gwent, south wales
User status: Offline
exactly m8 i wasnt drivin jus the officer in question doesnt like me, he pulld me once fair enuff, then the next time he nearly reversd in2 me an now this
Registered: 27th Nov 00
Location: preston,Lancashire
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like i say gets his number take it to the local station and speak to the sergant about him,explain you have done nothing wrong,cos as far as i know parking in a car park is not a crime,it would of been understandable if you was at a cruise,but if your just parked up with a couple of mates chatting there is no law against that,unless you was making noise,or being a pain,but this is the first time i've ever heard of the public nusiance law being used ,thought they where only going to use it to stop cruises
Registered: 17th Jun 01
Location: Essex, Drives a Saxo Furio
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have a read of that - what total arse - it basically says if they suspect that u have or are gonna do anything that may piss off anyone that they can take your car - it dosnt even say that u have to have done anything just that they think u are gonna (which would be where they would get you dan).
this law seems to be total shite and vauge as a muther fukka just to let the cops charge anyone they want with anything - its a fooking joke - who can we complain to to get that sort of thing sorted out? anyone got tony blairs email addy?
Registered: 17th Jun 01
Location: Essex, Drives a Saxo Furio
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its section 59 btw
Registered: 21st Nov 01
Location: gwent, south wales
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i dunno but igot a feelin im gonna b ad again 2nite
Registered: 9th Mar 03
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I dont know why but I would love to see a corsa with a bodykit on 17's get crushed it would look well mad
Registered: 21st Nov 01
Location: gwent, south wales
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cheers richy
Registered: 17th Jun 01
Location: Essex, Drives a Saxo Furio
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they wont cruch your car mate - id let them take it - possibly even cruch it then i would get a top legal guy on their ass so that he could find a loophole that they forgot and get them to pay for damages a new car and basically rinse them out as much as u can - it annoys me when claims direct peeps rinse out the cops/hospitals etc when they were doing their best but if they took my car for no good reason i would feel justified in robbing them of all that i could
Registered: 17th Jun 01
Location: Essex, Drives a Saxo Furio
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why cant i spell crush?
Registered: 12th Jun 01
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quote: Originally posted by DanielJ
contray to section 34 of the road traffic act 1988.
It wasnt contrary to anything - it wasnt a public highway and the only people that could have you done is Kwik Save.
Registered: 21st Nov 01
Location: gwent, south wales
User status: Offline
o dont worry, european court of law anyone
Registered: 21st Nov 01
Location: gwent, south wales
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Tiger
quote: Originally posted by DanielJ
contray to section 34 of the road traffic act 1988.
It wasnt contrary to anything - it wasnt a public highway and the only people that could have you done is Kwik Save.
an as im aware they have no problem with us using ther car park.
Registered: 27th Nov 00
Location: preston,Lancashire
User status: Offline
lmao,i knew they where tightening up on modded cars and cruises didn't realise how in depth it was
but like it states its only on reasonable ground now if they bother you for parking in a car park not making a noise or a nusiance of your self there is no reasonable ground to bother you it's like the law which states and officer can stop and search you if he has reasonable grounds to think your carrying somthing you shouldn't,you have to cause them some kind of comcern to act on this law cos if i went 24 hour tesco shopping and parked in there car park having a fag b4 i went in what grounds would they have to send me a warning letter
Where a constable in uniform has REASONABLE grounds for believing that a motor vehicle is being used on any occasion in a manner which-
and if some thing like this went to court the officer would have to give reasonable evidence of why he took the action he has
bassically if your getting bothered for parking in a car park just don't park there,cos at the end of the day all tho the public nusiance law is challengable,it isn't worth the hassle