Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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basically im doin my A-levels at a 6th form college and i hate the place, they have forced me into doin several things which i do not want to do (basically waste 7 hours of my week on utter shite) and they treat us all like kids and talk down to us. im considerin droppin out and just goin to a seperate local college, however they will not allow me in to do the a-levels, so what would be the best choice, stay on at 6th form doin my a-levels even tho i hate the place but i will get the qualifications out of it at the end, or go to college and do a different course like a btec or gnvq?
[Edited on 30-09-2003 by Blode]
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
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What are u doing, what do u wanna do and whats the other choices.
Registered: 5th Jun 00
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stay for your A-levels, then at least you have a choice at the end whether u want to go on to Uni
i hated school, done my A-levels, decided i didnt wanna go to uni, just done an HND at the local college and im better off than any of my mates who went to Uni
Gav S
Registered: 16th Apr 02
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Go to a seperate college! I've just started at Barnsley College and i'm loving it, the teachers are sound
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Registered: 8th Jun 01
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Why won't the local college let u in to do A levels?? Did they give you an appropriate reason?
Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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atm i doin phsychology, history, business studies and general studies (against my own will), not totally sure what i want to do at the end of it which is another problem. also not sure on what other courses i could look at taking, but whatever i do, i have to hurry up as the courses have already started.
Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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quote: Originally posted by Jill
Why won't the local college let u in to do A levels?? Did they give you an appropriate reason?
they basically said that coz the 6th form is closer and do the same courses there that they will not accept me
Registered: 12th Jun 01
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Ditch the lot and go travelling.
Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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quote: Originally posted by Tiger
Ditch the lot and go travelling.
would love to but unfortunantly i dont get paid enough
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
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Mayb jus stick with it for a year if they aren't wot u want then start from scratch next year or if u decide sooner, take 6mionths working and get funds to do wot u wanna do???
Registered: 12th Jun 01
Location: Leicestershire Drives:Astra VXR
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quote: Originally posted by Blode
quote: Originally posted by Tiger
Ditch the lot and go travelling.
would love to but unfortunantly i dont get paid enough
Get a working Holiday Visa and work out there - finding works easy.
Take a year out and decide what you want to do - Uni can wait - Oppurtuinities dont.
Registered: 11th Sep 03
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if you want to do courses further away which are available closer to you, you have to blag you way into there college and suck up usually helps. but because the course is availabe closer the government probably wont help with any of your travel expenses though
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Registered: 8th Jun 01
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quote: Originally posted by Blode
quote: Originally posted by Jill
Why won't the local college let u in to do A levels?? Did they give you an appropriate reason?
they basically said that coz the 6th form is closer and do the same courses there that they will not accept me

I didn't think they could do that? At the end of the day if you don't want to study at ur 6th form college u'd think they'd encourage people who ARE willing to carry on studying, despite their location. You could try going back there/phoning up and ask to see/book an appointment with a course supervisor or a subject lecturer that deals with A-levels, and they may change their mind if you explain the situation etc. And if they still say no, maybe they'll be able to give you some advice on the next best alternative route you could take.
Registered: 14th Nov 00
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College is a waste of time, just get a job.
Registered: 11th Sep 03
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the college i went to actually told me about it as they have had to say no in the past because of it and the east riding refusing to pay when they can get it done for knwo what they are like
Registered: 11th Sep 03
Location: Driffield
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id rather go to colelge than at school beause lots of friends told me they got treated as kids still and hated it. but id say definately go for it if you really want to leave and try hard to get in a colelge, they might have open places and will take you now instead of it never been filled up, alternatively all places are filled because college has started already
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Registered: 16th Sep 01
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i'm at sixth form and i also hate it cos they talk down 2 u all the time and they steal the stereo from us (that we paid for) cos the cleaner broke down in tears when she entered the common room one day and found she had some work to do !!! silly cow !! Anyway only got another 6 or so months 2 go and then off 2 uni !!!!
Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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tbh, im not THAT bothered about doin my a-levels, havin just looked at some courses theres some that seem to be alot more useful. i would prefer it if i could go to college a couple of days a week, then work on a placement the other few days, but im not sure what subject to go into, i have friends doin this in food tech, nursery nursing, etc and they are all loving it
Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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quote: Originally posted by masey
i'm at sixth form and i also hate it cos they talk down 2 u all the time and they steal the stereo from us (that we paid for) cos the cleaner broke down in tears when she entered the common room one day and found she had some work to do !!! silly cow !! Anyway only got another 6 or so months 2 go and then off 2 uni !!!!
lol exactly, in ours we have put out money together to buy a tv and nintendo 64 for the common room, they have banned us usin it in out spare time as they say we should be workin constantly!
Registered: 25th May 01
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i say stop moaning and get on with it
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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I was at 6th form at my old school, had a similar situation to you... hated the place and although I was doing ok at most of my a-level's they wern't covering what I wanted to learn!
After my first year at 6th form, coming out with a A, B, C and U at AS level - I decided to leave for college...
U was for A-level maths, thought I could pass without doing any revision (oops) hehe...
the B was for general studies which doesn't count - so at the end of the day if I had continued in the 2nd year I would of only probably ended up with a A and a C or worse - which would maybe only just get me into uni.
So I decided to drop out and goto college and study an Advanced BTEC National Diploma. A 2 year course - which is the equivalent of 3 full A-levels... which is the norm for most people (considering gen studies doesn't count)...
Firstly College is far more fun than 6th form was! It's a lot closer to what uni will be like so its preparing you for what you decide to do after...
I'm now on my 2nd year of this BTEC course and I'm doing pretty well, hope to get at least a D M M - would love to get a D D D though hehe 
If I got a D D D, thats 360 UCAS points for uni, plus the UCAS points for AS levels ... 60 + 40 = 100... and I'm looking at around 460 UCAS points - which would pretty much give me my pick of uni hehe...
Ok so your basically gonna be a year behind your mates, but at college it's not the same as school - each course has a range of ages, in mine I had 16->25 year olds! so I fitted in pretty well.
Plus I'm glad I've got the extra year to decide whether I want to goto uni or not, my mates have gone to uni this september and to be honest - I'm not really ready to pack up and goto uni at the moment - though next year I probably will...
I say providing you actually want to do this stuff at college - go for it! I've not only had a good time and made a load more mates - but Im also gonna be more qualified than I would of been if I had stayed doing my A-levels!!!
good luck whatever you do.
Paul J
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Registered: 16th Sep 01
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yeah, they come out of there offices and make us get work out when we ain't got any an they get arsey when we get our laptops out to do any work, arseholes 
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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The other joke is half my mates who stayed at my old school 'Burnham Grammar School' came out with pretty crappy grades 
I'm pretty glad I did what I did...
Registered: 2nd Jul 03
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I stayed on and was taking 4 as levels and 5 a levels, dropped out and now i regret it.
Stick to it sweetie, its only 2 years
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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well don't drop out and do nothing!!!
If your gonna drop out, drop out to do something else.