Registered: 21st Oct 03
Location: Kent, near Bluewater
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need advice just a project im thinking of starting! just interested at the mo!
but would a haynes guide help ya thru it?
Registered: 9th Dec 03
User status: Offline
what kind of conversion?? 2lt??
Registered: 9th Oct 03
Location: Leprechaun Land Drives : Zafira GSI
User status: Offline
for a 2ltr conversion deffo get a haynes it would come in very handy.
The other thing to do is just read this site. 6 months ago i wouldnt dare do my own conversion as i wouldnt know were to start.
now it wouldnt bother me the only thing i havent learned from this site is the wiring end but thats easy enough or so ive read.
ya would want to be handy with a spanner though i would think.
Registered: 21st Oct 03
Location: Kent, near Bluewater
User status: Offline
no 1.6 16v but i dont know weather or not to do it to the corsa i got now and get another run around car or keep this corsa for a run around and get a NOVA for the project!
any suggestions welcome!
Registered: 21st Oct 03
Location: Kent, near Bluewater
User status: Offline
wel i dunno cos i dont want it done within a week cos cant afford it but i want it to be a hobby too! and me insurance is high at the mo i got 3 points and a claim so the longer the better but i am very interested!
Registered: 9th Oct 03
Location: Leprechaun Land Drives : Zafira GSI
User status: Offline
it deppends what car u like better. But just from reading on here the corsa seems a much better base. The nova seems to have been thrown together
im not to sure about a 1.6 coversion but with a nova 2ltr coversion the whole engine bay needs to be welded up and strenghened. theres work to be done on the drivers side suspension turret to make the engine fit in the engine bay
u dont need to do any of this with a corsa. better solution in my opinion.
Registered: 21st Oct 03
Location: Kent, near Bluewater
User status: Offline
oh fcuk dat! i think i'll stick wit the corsa and get a run around motor till ive finished! so if i was thinkin bout doin a 1.6 conv what would i need and where the hell would i start!
Registered: 9th Dec 03
User status: Offline
if your fairly handy with a spanner then im sure you can do a c16xe yourself!! Look for adamD's post hes just done his himself!!
Registered: 9th Oct 03
Location: Leprechaun Land Drives : Zafira GSI
User status: Offline
get an 1.6 16V (C16XE) with gearbox ecu and engine loom. not 100% sure on what drive shafts to use but u could prolly get them with the engine.
if possible make sure u hear the engine running first as theres alot of dickheadz that will sell u crap.
ure fuel pump may need to be changed also
think thats most of it.
then its just a case of taking old engine out and puting the other one in.
remember its all just nuts and bolts.
u will need bigger brakes an different suspension also.
Registered: 21st Oct 03
Location: Kent, near Bluewater
User status: Offline
sounds like a lotta work! what do u mean by suspension? change the shocks? what?
Registered: 9th Oct 03
Location: Leprechaun Land Drives : Zafira GSI
User status: Offline
yeh get a spring and shocks combo or if ure budget can afford it coilovers.
u can just use lowwering springs for the mean time if u cant afford this.
id say ud do a whole conversion yerself for 500ish
on the other hand lee mitchell does 1.6 engine conversions for 700 but i dont think this would include brakes and suspension.
Registered: 21st Oct 03
Location: Kent, near Bluewater
User status: Offline
lee mitchell it is then i think! may just work on body for the project!
Registered: 9th Oct 03
Location: Leprechaun Land Drives : Zafira GSI
User status: Offline
yeh im just looking at your location... lee mitchel is in kent too and for 700 quid i thinks hes very reasonable and his work seems to be A1