Registered: 7th Jul 06
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Hi, first time user, I have done a search on this and can't find the answer I am looking for, I hope you guys can help.
I bought a 2 year old Corsa Active 1.0L 3 months ago and have been very disappointed with it’s performance. I am lucky to get 280 miles to a tank of fuel, and going up hills is a nightmare. The car struggles to get to 30/40 mph and then cannot maintain it.
I have taken it to my local dealer who insists there is nothing wrong with the car, but having driven another corsa of same engine size and age, the difference is substantial.
Any ideas anyone? 
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
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Hills it's a 1.0, drop it into 2nd or something.
As for the MPGs, 280 ins't bad is it? Jesus I get like 120 to a full tank 
Hello all the same
Premium Member
Registered: 8th May 05
Location: Nottingham Drives: Corsa B
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how do you define hills?
75 degree angles?
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
Registered: 7th Jul 06
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Inclines of any sort, and the car struggles, it cannot maintain 30 mph in 3rd gear.
Registered: 11th Sep 05
Location: Luton,BEDS
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dont worry mate,its just the shootness of the 1.0 corsa,I've got 1 myself and the fuel economy is a joke considering its a 1.0.i'm gettin really fed up with mine!!
Registered: 28th May 06
Location: Preston, Lancs. Drives: Astra SRI turbo.
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they r reliable, but really crap anywayz. we have loads of them coming into work saying its misfiring or lack of power, its completely normal!!!!
Registered: 4th Jun 06
Location: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
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quote: Originally posted by loafofbrett
Hills it's a 1.0, drop it into 2nd or something.
As for the MPGs, 280 ins't bad is it? Jesus I get like 120 to a full tank 
Hello all the same
280 probabaly isnt bad if its all round town, can get more than that on the motorway though, ive had 375 to a tank in my 1.4 8v .
Whats does the car do exactly when its going up a hill? Does the engine still run smooth but just lose power, or is it rough? Sticking valves can makes cars struggle on hills (happened to my moms old metro years back) but the engine tends to be rough and juddery if that happens, plus it would be very strange on a 2 year old car.
[Edited on 07-07-2006 by DarkBahamut]
Registered: 20th Jun 04
Location: Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
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Dont forget that you will be working the engine quite hard to get moving anywhere. This may cause the lame fuel consumption
Registered: 7th Jul 06
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Thanks for all of your comments re: performance of my corsa. Just to let you all know that I took it to a Vauxhall Dealer for it to be checked out, and they have adjusted the ‘computer’. The car flew up hills on the way home last night – fantastic!!
Registered: 11th Mar 06
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i gota 1.0 and cnt maintain 30 in 3rd u lot are sayin is normal? wtf?!?! that aint normal, and mines never misfired and i rag the thing like fuck! fuel economy is quite gd, i realised how gd it was when i was in mi mates 2.5 transit for a 300 mile drive
for 4 days i made myself drive like my mum and the fuel was a million times better (obviosuly) so like joe6886 said, to pik up ne speed in a 1.0 u do need to rag it... and u still get no where.
[Edited on 04-08-2006 by moka]