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Author Amazing: dont search, let someone else search for you!

Registered: 19th Aug 02
Location: Midsomer Norton, Bristol Avon
User status: Offline
11th Nov 06 at 23:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Why waste time searching when you can get someone else to do it for you? offers a 'guided search' that connects you to a live person to do your searching for you! And yes, this is FREE for anyone to use!


Why Search with a Guide?
By searching with a Guide your query is sent to a real person who is skilled at finding information on the internet and knowledgable on the subject at hand so that you get the few exact results you want, not the millions of results you don't.

ChaCha only provides quality, human approved results.

How does it work?
When your query is submitted it is sent to a Guide who is knowledgable in the topic you're searching.

Because we're so new, we have a limited pool of Guides to field these questions so you may at times be connected to a Guide who is not necessarily an expert on the subject. Rest assured that the Guide is still an expert in internet search and will most likely find you exactly what you need. If not, you may be transferred to a Guide who may have better insight into your question.

Who gets my query?
When your query is submitted, an alert is sent to all appropriate Guides who are currently signed in to the system. Because the Guides can see the question you submit, you can submit your question in natural language, just like you'd ask any person a question.

It also means that if you submit a question filled with non-specifics (like "foot") nonsensicals (like "asdfjlakjf"), you will most likely not get connected to a Guide because no one will accept it. Same goes for any profanity.

If you are at all profane or offensive during the chat session, your Guide will press a "Report Abuse" button, your IP address and the chat session will be logged, and you can prevented from using ChaCha in the future

From what some have said, it appears the guides get around $5 to $10 /hr, and they seem to have around 14000 guides.

Courtest of neowin

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Off Day » Geek Day » Amazing: dont search, let someone else search for you! 29 database queries in 0.0118811 seconds