Registered: 12th Apr 06
User status: Offline
Hey thee any help appreciated advance
my o/s headlight is pointing to low and had it in 2 Vauxhall 2day they said i require a new headlight which is £188 + vat,
spoke to the other guy that was giving me my car bk when i told them 2 bolt and sed sum1 has prob reversed in2 u and knocked it down and broke a clip any1 else encounted this problem @ all????
Registered: 28th Dec 06
Location: IRELAND
User status: Offline
just go to your local scrappy mate, guaranteed it will be shed loads cheaper than vauxhalls rip off attempt
Registered: 5th Mar 06
Location: Birmingham Drives: mk4 astra gsi
User status: Offline
yeh theclips brake very easy on corsa check if ur head lights moves a lot by pushing on it a little said aqbove just go down the scrappy and get ur parts
Registered: 12th Apr 06
User status: Offline
is it just the clips im looking for if so what they look like so i can get them and they easy 2 get 2 in the headlight? or is it the whole ew headlight?
Registered: 12th Feb 06
Location: Horsforth, West Yorkshire
User status: Offline
Corsa B?
If its a B, you need a new light, as the clip is attatched to the light, and cant be replaced without being bodged.
188 is rediculous though, my local scrappy does them for 15, or 30 brand new.
Registered: 12th Apr 06
User status: Offline
its a corsa c