Registered: 25th May 08
Location: Greater Manchester
User status: Offline
my college has recently closed the car park and this morning i cudn't find a space. i was apparently parked on double yellow lines which were covered up by mud (i have a pic to prove that they were covered) and i got a ticket.
upon opening the notace i spotted a few problems
1, they had wrote my registration down rong
2, The street name was rong too
all i want to know reeli is do i have a case against the council which would mean i dnt have to pay it or shud i just pay up??
what wud u do??
Registered: 9th Apr 08
Location: Croydon
User status: Offline
apppeal it u WILL win councils are thick
i have appealed them just for fun before lol
its a 60 pound fine here and the council see it as way to much money to take you to court to get 60 pound lol
Registered: 25th May 08
Location: Greater Manchester
User status: Offline
haha. i myt give it a go. however i am in court on the 4th march for avin a side light out. they're takin me to court over a 30 quid fine. lol its pathetic.
Registered: 9th Apr 08
Location: Croydon
User status: Offline
hmmmm your local council's/authorities sound like right dicks lol
croydon dont bother
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
User status: Offline
If they are taking you to court for a £30 fine they WILL take you for a £60 one, by simple deduction.
Was the whole road covered in mud? There wasnt any double yellows further up or anything? Unless thats really the case doubt you would get far in an appeal
Registered: 10th Feb 09
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
go to court dont pay the fine dont tell them they have it wrong (keep shtum)when your in court if the road is definately wrong the court should throw it out wrong evidence they tend to be more cautious and not prosicute set of f-cking wan-ers let us know the outcome good luck