Corsa Sport » Message Board » Help Zone, Modification and ICE Advice » High pitched but quiet sqeaking - how can I chcek if this is the wheel bearing(s) ?

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Author High pitched but quiet sqeaking - how can I chcek if this is the wheel bearing(s) ?

Registered: 31st Jul 08
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18th Jul 09 at 10:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

A very high-pitched but relatively quiet squeaking noise appears to be coming from the rear of my 2001 Corsa C which has 33k miles on the clock. I think it may be a wheel bearing. The noise does not vary if I turn the steering wheel. The squeaking noise started about 4 months ago and is gradually occurring more frequently and on a drive yesterday the situation, currently typical, was as follows:

1. On an 8-mile outward drive, the noise occurred most of the time, whether in gear or freewheeling and travelling between 5mph and 40mph. Above 40mph, I cannot hear the noise maybe because it does no occur at speed or maybe because its drowned out by the car’s other noise.

2. Driving normally the noise occurred but I could not really determine where it was coming from.

3. Bizarrely, the noise stopped if I EITHER braked or accelerated, only to come back as my speed stabilised.

4. On the return 8 mile trip, there was no noise at all until I had travelled 6 miles home, then it came back but very quietly.

Any tips on how I can confirm if this is the bearing or something else would be appreciated.

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Registered: 5th Mar 03
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18th Jul 09 at 11:33   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Sounds like brakes. try driving and pull the handbrake on a bit till it just bites and see if the noise stops. If so, whip the drum off, visual check of the shoes and give it a good dose of brake cleaner.

Unlikely to be bearings at 33k on the rear tbh

I would rather lose by a mile because i built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me.

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