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I need a new computer, well I dont but I want one.
I dont want to go back to Windows, but I also dont want to spend £1900 min on a Mac Pro when I could build one for half the cost.
I seem to remember someone posting about installing OSX on a PC...whoever it was please refresh my memory!
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You mean the thread where you said...
quote: Originally posted by Cosmo
Yeah, but if you put OSX on a normal PC then you want be using a sexy piece of machine with a half eaten piece of fruit on it.
Think Sam was building one.
Registered: 29th Mar 01
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No I agree with that still, hence why I'll build it in a MacPro case
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Craig - do a Google search for "Hackintosh" - the end results are quite varied as it depends on the hardware you use, if you use 'incompatible' hardware you will most likely get kernel panics etc.
I think if you stick with Intel-based motherboards and CPUs (similar to what's used in today's Macs) you should be OK.
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Google "I built my own Mac' and there's a list of hardware etc
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
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Craig if you really want to stick with OSX just spend the extra money on a Mac.
Registered: 29th Mar 01
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quote: Originally posted by willay
Craig if you really want to stick with OSX just spend the extra money on a Mac.
That would be too easy William, bro.
Plus for the spec I want it would cost about £2000000000000 from Apple.
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
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but bro it would work, and have a warranty, not like the shonky piece of shit you will build!
Registered: 29th Mar 01
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gaffer tape and string does not = shonky
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Just don't install Snow Leopard, fella. Had an absolute nightmare with it over the weekend.
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I'm still using Tiger on my Mac
Registered: 29th Mar 01
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Same here
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Just make sure you don't have any Guest accounts when you upgrade
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I did run osx on my amd athlon 64 for a bit, but the only problem is there isn't many drivers so it ran shit!
However I expect it would work better if you built your machine around available drivers and stuck to intel.
These forums helped me when I did it, but in the end I went out and bought the real thing
Fancy a mac pro myself but can't justify the cost!
Registered: 29th Mar 01
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Exactly, for a really decent spec one Id be looking at well over £2k, when I could build it for half that and spend the other £1k on a couple of 30" screens.
Registered: 29th Mar 01
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quote: Originally posted by AlunJ
Fancy a mac pro myself but can't justify the cost!
Exactly, for a really decent spec one Id be looking at well over £2k, when I could build it for half that and spend the other £1k on a couple of 30" screens.
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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Have it running here, Win7 is still my main OS but OSX runs pretty damn well. Only issue i have is with OSX drivers for external hardware (in my case my digidesign I/O cards, midi controllers etc) not installing, they all detect the machine as not being a mac. Even manually installing the drivers doesn't work, so i'm still on the hunt.
So unless you need to use external hardware (and/or there isn't bodged drivers for them), then you shouldn't have too many problems. I have edited HD video and done a fair amount of SFX video work (Adobe Premiere, After Effects, PS etc) and haven't (touch wood) had any issues, although i've yet to notice any performance difference between using Win7 and OSX (Adobe packages mainly).
But get yourself onto the osx86project forums and read around on what hardware is compatible etc Then get yourself an image (iDeneb, iAtkos <- v7 10.5.7 is what i'm running), burn it and install 
Edit - And like most, i can't justify the costs of a mac at the moment especially when i'd still have to use windows.......
[Edited on 13-10-2009 by Dom]