Registered: 6th Dec 09
Location: Conwy
User status: Offline
hi all i just put a powerbox on my car would the eml stay on constant because it is but its been on before that but i took it to a garage to get it nocked out and it came on 5mins later ??
Registered: 29th Dec 09
Location: Felling, Tyne and Wear
User status: Offline
Did the guy clear the codes or sort fault out obviously somit wrong some where
Premium Member
Registered: 4th Jul 09
Location: Marlborough, Wiltshire
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Is your EGR valve still plugged in?
Registered: 6th Dec 09
Location: Conwy
User status: Offline
yh it came up with noo faults and he cleared it and it came back on
noo the egr aint hoocked up its in my boot but i plugged it back in and it still on :S its going to a different garage next week
Premium Member
Registered: 4th Jul 09
Location: Marlborough, Wiltshire
User status: Offline
Plug the EGR in take the lead off the battery for a minute, then re-start it let it tick over and see how you get on.
Registered: 6th Dec 09
Location: Conwy
User status: Offline
iv done that nd still noo go
mikey b
Registered: 28th Mar 10
User status: Offline
management light was on mine and turned up the fule preshure a little bit and went strait off and stayed off
Registered: 1st Oct 06
Location: n.wales/chester
User status: Offline
how does the car drive? i know when my mate had a dbilas inlet on the eml stayed on, yet when i had a power box with dif pistons, headwork etc it never came on.